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  1. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    An extra dollar? Take a look at how hyperinflation works, it's not quite that easy going.
  2. Buss Relville

    Does Pence have coronavirus? Poll yeah, ok. "AfD got more votes from past non-voters (1.2 million) than from the CDU/CSU (1 million) or SPD (500,000). In many ways this is an anti-Merkel vote, reflecting...
  3. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    The problem is that we are already $23 trillion in debt. There is no wealth to be redistributed. When the fed prints "magic money",they create more cash than service & goods have provided, meaning the cost of living is forced to rise in connection with all this fresh fake money. This new...
  4. Buss Relville

    Does Pence have coronavirus? Poll

    Merkel is literally the reason the alt/far right parties gained a foothold in Germany for the first time since Hitler took power.
  5. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    Is he a Trump supporter?
  6. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    As usual, you are a lying POS. "Sen. Bernie Sanders' for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination campaign's prodigious fundraising operation raised $2 million...
  7. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    So you dislike the man, but support his policy? k
  8. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    You didn't explain shit. LOL!!
  9. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    Wait, are we all Bernie fans now?
  10. Buss Relville

    $2T Bailout package

    Do you not understand inflation?
  11. Buss Relville

    Does Pence have coronavirus? Poll

    Merkel got it ! Well deserved.
  12. Buss Relville

    Does Pence have coronavirus? Poll

    No, but I am praying Joe does.
  13. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020

  14. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020

    literally noting indicates commondreams being a right wing propaganda website. Put down the meth pipe.
  15. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020

    Why would I focus on the party I can't change?
  16. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020

    You seem really upset that your trash party is failing miserably, again.
  17. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020

  18. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020

    This is not how you take back the white house. Yikes
  19. Buss Relville

    Pandemic 2020
