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  1. imrickjames

    I could not stop laughing after I found this vid, good stuff! :bigjoint:
  2. imrickjames

    White Widow 8 weeks at 12/12

    if the trichs are still clear and the plant is not totally dead but still growing I would not chop it early. Give it some superthrive and some molasses. :)
  3. imrickjames

    Woooo Whooo! DOW 10,000!

    Im loving it too, It should not be where it is but I am enjoying the money im pulling out and putting into silver :)
  4. imrickjames

    Portrait of a Traitor ...

    Hyperinflation here we come
  5. imrickjames

    Growing TOO fast????

    If they grow too fast which I would love, just lst them.
  6. imrickjames

    wuts this yellowing from

    nitrogen deficiency?
  7. imrickjames

    Getting Ready For My Daytime LSD Adventure

    wow you are going to have a blast!
  8. imrickjames

    Tell me what you think of my babies

    Very nice, love the big cfls! I use a 250 w cfl and it grows amazing buds! + rep
  9. imrickjames

    Fav. Video Game of all time.

    Mine is about to be COD MW2 :)
  10. imrickjames

    What are Your Thoughts about Hydroxide H2O2?

    I have heard that the 3% is not good because it has stabilizers in it that are harmful. The higher concentration does not but be sure to dillute it plenty.
  11. imrickjames

    Chem Trails

    chemtrails and contrails are two different things. What you have in that picture is clearly chemtrails. Chemtrails stay in the sky for hours. The govt. has even admitted spraying shit over us. NBC news investigated it...
  12. imrickjames

    Nasa blowing up moon!

    someone already started a thread on this lol. Damn it.
  13. imrickjames

    Nasa blowing up moon!

    So tomorrow nasa shoots a missile to look for "water" on the moon. Come on, they're testing a new type of bomb. Anyone else uncomfortable with this?:-?
  14. imrickjames

    Bugs in my soil with seedlings. Advice needed. + rep

    Ive used alcohol to spray on top of the soil and on the plant, never soaked the soil with it, I dont know if the roots would like that too much. I would stick to soap on that issue. start off with a small ammount though too make sure the plant is ok with it. Good luck! The war on bugs sure is a...
  15. imrickjames

    Free food!

    haha, I did it, without a credit card, said nothing about sales tax either. thanks man!!
  16. imrickjames

    finishing highschool?

    I graduated and highly recommend doing so. I didn't need college since I am awesome at trading stocks :mrgreen:
  17. imrickjames

    Too High?

    hahaha. when it happened to me I was at a buddys house, and when that shit started happening I walked around the whole town for like two hours, lol. I knew I wasnt going to have a heart attack but that feeling made it uncomfortable for me to sit still. :mrgreen:
  18. imrickjames

    I Need Help Please

    start lifting up the pots before and after you water them, you will start to be able to tell how dry they are just by how they feel when you pick them up.
  19. imrickjames

    Strawbery Blue 1st grow :D

    mmm.. strawberry blue sounds delicious lol. what kind of lights are you going to be using?
  20. imrickjames

    I Need Help Please

    To start those plants look really good,I highly recommend getting a small fan on them.