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  1. mariowarner

    Organic in small apartment

    Alright, so I could get a standard Pro-Mix soil, buy the all purpose and the bloom fertilizer from Gaia (as I see they make small quantities, that's good) and just mix it in a small bin. Should I make it cook or something (no sun heat right now...)? When you say to add some compost teas/top...
  2. mariowarner


    Ah okay! So my options here would be : add organic nutes after a month or 2 taking my plant out of the 5ga pot, emptying the pot, put in new soil and replant Is this right?
  3. mariowarner

    Organic in small apartment

    No cooking? First time I've heard this, but even though I'm reading like 8h per day about the subject, I'm new to growing. Do you know any canadian place where I could buy these things in small quantities, lets say for a total of 10ga?
  4. mariowarner

    Organic in small apartment

    Thanks for your answers guys. I understand that they make a shitload of money off of this... but right now, I'm happy to pay a little premium to save storage space (can't afford to have 5-6 bags lying around, I only have 2 plants which will not empty the bags so I'll have to throw them away, so...
  5. mariowarner

    Organic in small apartment

    Hi guys! I'm planning out my first grow and the soil is the last element I have to do some research for. So I want to go the watering only route with a supersoil. The thing is, I live in a small apartment in downtown area, so making my own supersoil is not really an option for the following...
  6. mariowarner


    Yeah I'll ask him! But I would still have to cook the Biolive mix, right? I'd really like to but unfortunately I don't have the space nor the temperatures to do so.... Otherwise I'd have done my soil 100%
  7. mariowarner


    Also, I think I've read somewhere that this is not a good idea as the roots can entangle and kill of the other plant, but maybe I'm wrong...
  8. mariowarner


    So what you are saying is Compost + Perlite + Biolive gets you great results? What would you get as compost? Also, what do you think about using Bluesky soil with with just a bit Biolive instead? I just can't afford to stock 3-4 different bags, I liked the convinience of just one bag.
  9. mariowarner


    I want to grow 2 differents strains in my tent for a little variety. The thing is, in live in a small appartment in the middle of the city with no space to make my own soil... Also, normally you have to let the soil cook and now the temperature doesn't allow that. Only option is to buy...
  10. mariowarner


    Could you grow in the Bluesky veg to trim in 5ga pots without adding their supplements? IMO this is something any supersoil should be able to do, like the Kind soil. I'll have to keep the plants low though, as I'm growing in a 48" tent.