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  1. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Oh, you just made me realize I left out the fact that I am just doing the 2 LSD plants for this grow, and the 2 Tangerine Dream for grow number 2. Hope to get good results, I'll let you know for sure.
  2. Truro's Saint

    First Grow - Barney's Farm LSD (Scrog)

    Hey guys, I'm excited to be starting this journal for my first full grow. Here's the setup: Genetics: First off, I bought all of my seeds from (for the 2nd time) and had wicked fast and great service. Bought 2 Barney's Farm LSD (Feminised) and 2 Barney's Farm...
  3. Truro's Saint

    Vanila kush & LSD, second grow

    Nice pics, Astro! Looks like they're really stretching tall. Is the VK still much taller than the LSD? Those trichomes are showing up great on the VK photo, looks great. Keep it up!!! (Also, just curious, I'm no pro by any means, but have the leaves been curling much like that on the ends? Is...
  4. Truro's Saint

    Vanila kush & LSD, second grow

    Looking awesome Astro! I have a couple of Barney's LSD beans coming to me now (along with some Tangerine Dream) and it's good to have your journal as a reference. Not seeing those hairs would probably be killing me too. I'm definately subscribing and will be checking in often on your progress...
  5. Truro's Saint

    First Time Hydro Grower - Plant Problems

    Thanks, Xiphos. I try and keep things as clean as possible in and around my cabinet, and I have yet to actually see any bugs, but I agree in that it's strange to have holes appear like that. Seems funny for a nutrient burn to produce holes, but I'm new... The EC meter should definitely help me...
  6. Truro's Saint

    First Time Hydro Grower - Plant Problems

    Hey there, guys... Love the site, and am excited to be making my first post, and hopefully get some help. I've entered the grow game... and built myself a slick 4x2x5 foot cabinet. I use a drip irrigation setup, which is recirculating, and waters 3 times a day right now, with Canna Aqua nutes...