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  1. Lil Czr

    help with gnats????

    About an inch of sand on top of your soil should take care of them. They can't get in or out of the soil and soon expire.
  2. Lil Czr

    Approaching Harvest.

    Looks like you may have a week or two left.
  3. Lil Czr

    Favorite line from a Song.

    "Same as it ever was, look where my hand was..." -The Talking Heads - Letting the days go by
  4. Lil Czr

    Anyone want to try to guess my yield?

    I'd say 10 to 12 Oz'z dry.
  5. Lil Czr

    global warming, the gift that just keeps giving

    Yeah man, this is a hoax.
  6. Lil Czr


    They look a bit over watered to me.
  7. Lil Czr

    Tincture with Trim?

    1 week seems to be long enough to desolve the active compounds from the plant material, with 95% pure alcohol anyway. You just need to shake it quite a bit on a daily basis. I strain and then heat it in a double boiler to evaporate off some of the alcohol and increase the potency of the...
  8. Lil Czr

    tylenol 3 + marijuana = safe?

    I wouldn't chance it. Oral infections are very dangerous.
  9. Lil Czr

    tylenol 3 + marijuana = safe?

    Really? I never knew that. That's a good thing to know.
  10. Lil Czr

    tylenol 3 + marijuana = safe?

    It won't hurt you as long as you don't smoke it. Smoking after dental surgery is an infection risk that you shouldn't take.
  11. Lil Czr

    Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look...

    I wonder where this kid stole these picture to post.
  12. Lil Czr

    Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look...

    What, are we splitting hairs here? 24, 28, what's the difference.
  13. Lil Czr

    Has anyones plants yielded over 28 ounces? Mine did! Take a look...

    Nice grow, but 28 Oz's dry from one indoor plant? Come on kid, pull the other one...
  14. Lil Czr

    how many seeds do you get per plant?

    It all depends on many factors. If you're talking about, say a 4 foot plant that has been completely pollenated, you might have a few thousand seeds. But if you are talking about just dusting a few buds per plant, well you're talking anywhere from 10 to 100 seeds per bud. Does that help?
  15. Lil Czr

    nothin left to learn on riu?

    Plant by the phases of the moon, just follow tomatoes and/or flowers on the chart for planting/germinating times.
  16. Lil Czr

    How many days to the harvest?

    You're getting pretty close. I'd say that it's all a matter of personal taste at this point.
  17. Lil Czr

    The strain I like gets too tall

    Yeah man, LST that mother...
  18. Lil Czr

    im confused

    Not unless you have serious height limitations. Flowering so early will greatly reduce your yield no matter what any breeder may claim.
  19. Lil Czr

    What is causing this leaf damage?

    Thanks for stoppin by. I will keep my eye out and continue to treat. What ever it is, its fuckin slick. Hell yeah, those bastards can hide in plain sight. Happy growing.