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  1. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    Well any day they will be like a bomb and blow up :mrgreen:
  2. dangreen

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    Looks great! This gonna be your last grow until you get your own light?
  3. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    You using bloom nutes?
  4. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    Purp, Soon enough your plants will start blowing up about 4-5 weeks in. But i wish you could come see it :mrgreen: Danky ty again for the comments i will do final pics of all dried bud and what i have left from all the harvest.
  5. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    I am on a 24/0 but I have only been on it for a week so IDK well shall see what happens the snowryders look dank for now.
  6. dangreen

    My first grow box.

    I thought superhighme sucked ass and wasn't very funny or educational. Kinda made medical card users looks like abusers. :evil:
  7. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    Because i had my Flash on with the HPS going so it gives it a yellow background and the green really stands out. If i had some black background would be so sick I am gonna get one eventually to take pics against.
  8. dangreen

    Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow

    Ya I did looking good man. :mrgreen:
  9. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    Diesel and my light is set to 24 hours now.
  10. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    Ya thats my plant as avatar. Looking good. Can't wait to order more seeds.
  11. dangreen

    Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow

    Pictures of my last Diesel Lady. I am putting it in the dark today for a couple days to see if it is any better. Then time to cut. If I don't see an improvement I wont take any pics before I chop. So enjoy. :peace: Also I have turned my light to 24 hours about a week ago to keep it warmer in...
  12. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    I personally think regular flowering blows. To much time, chance of bud rot, mold, bugs, ect. Auto's are quick turnover and hella dank, resistant to mold/bud rot as well. Plus they easy to stealth and getting more potent.
  13. dangreen

    Diesel Ryder/Snowryder Stealth Grow

    Thanks :mrgreen:
  14. dangreen

    My first grow box.

    I used a Vaporizer for a while, but its not the same high. Though i use them now and again.
  15. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    What is it that you don't like about them?
  16. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    You can start the Auto's on 12/12 I wouldn't recommend it. Cause i have watched a few grows like that and the yields were weak and buds not that great. Plants maybe got 10" tall. If you want to start your Auto's you should try and take your female out of the room after 12 hours if you can and...
  17. dangreen

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    Don't worry i could not wait on mine either lol.
  18. dangreen

    Purple^Stars first Grow Journal:::::::::::::

    Well i should be getting some of those seeds with my next order so If yours turn out well i might Scrog a few in the corners of my tent.
  19. dangreen

    My first grow box.

    I got this bad boy for $80 sorry its dirty. Its a 2 1/2 foot double perk. Thats a cool looking pipe though.
  20. dangreen

    400 hps Scrog flowering

    Shit Jolly that sucks, i would just pull as many sacks as you can and try to save them.