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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    If you google "water cloning marijuana" it will bring up many things that show people have had success with it. But they make it look unbelievably simple. And a lot of people report great success rates. But like i said it looks unbelievably easy..
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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    Well usually it seems that the people on this site are really good about helping. Thats why I signed up here. Its probably because I just signed up and dont have many post so I guess I have to understand. But thanks anyway bro. Yeah I do a flood drain. Flood 15 mins every 2 hours. Thanks for...
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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    guess not lol. But they are all still very green and not droopy at all. Not bad at all for just poking some holes in foil.
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    296 Watt CFL White Widow & CA Hash Plant Grow

    shes beautiful!!! Reminds me of my baby! Growin the shit is almost as enjoyable as smokin it...:eyesmoke:...almost. Id like to see how shes doin when you get a chance.
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    White Widow 30 days into flower

    So im flooding every 2 hours that the lights are on. (12 times a day 15 minutes each) Is this ok? It seems that everyone else does it way less, but When I was only doing it 3 or 4 times a day they didnt look as green. Also im using my nuets according to the chart on the back. It seems noone...
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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    Hope I put this in the right newb...Sorry:confused:
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    25 days flowering and brown hairs

    scwascwa, I get a lot of tops by FIMing (I think its "Fuck I Missed") Its kinda like topping but you just kinda mangle the new tiny top leaves and it sometimes shoots off 3 or 4 new tops and it gives the lower branches time to catch up so you end up with 9 or 10 or more sometimes. Its good for...
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    water cloning help/sudgestions

    Hello! In the past ive successfully cloned in expandable peat pellets but recently i haven't had much success at all. Ive been trying rockwool to no avail with every method i seen. Maybe its my strain (white widow and now trying crystal) but thats beside the point. I think part of my problem is...
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    White Widow Flowering Day 40

    As long as youve done your research and have an idea of what youre doing id say they arent too bad. This is my first grow using good seed and a hydro setup and theyre lookin ok as you seen on my thread. I dont have that much experince before that. So I say GO FOR IT!
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    White Widow 30 days into flower

    Thanks Rucha! Yeah I figured about another month or so. Its amazing that they grow almost twice as fast as the bag seed did. No, there is not constant fresh air flow because we are in an apartment and Im worried about the smell but i try to pop it open several times a day to cool it off and let...
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    White Widow 30 days into flower

    Hello! Ive always used this forum to get my info and I finally decided to sign up and see what people thought. Me and my buddy started growing about a year ago and we are on our 3rd grow. The first 2 were just to learn what we were doing so we just used bag seed and from there we have slowly...