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  1. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    Waiting for the picture from the card shoot..............if you don't post it I will hold my breath......
  2. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    I have a central res that feeds all the pails. They are all connected with 4" or 3 1/2" pipe. The central res is fed by a 45 gal raised back up res with an auto fill on the plant res. side. I use RO water and don't even ph as it is at 7.0 but because the ppm is so low as soon as it hits the...
  3. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    No but many times I have found the rug does not match the curtains LOL
  4. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    Heres one of mine no charge :clap: size 28
  5. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    I think it would be a bit of a drive for April to get to Toronto from where she is, the other side of no man's land the dark side Quebec, she would need to drive through Quebec and they have the fucking stupidest drivers, red light means go faster WTF, I'll only go over there for cheep beer...
  6. woodsmaneh!

    My First Hydroponic

    There 3 1/2 feet high and so heavy they fall over and break, the cage adds support, the KO Kush plant is a monster and would be on the floor by now without the support. The cage is 4 feet tall and sits at the same height as the top of the pot.
  7. woodsmaneh!

    My First Hydroponic

    I see white spots on the leaves, CHECK FOR BUGS! look under the leaves, you need a magnifying glass to see the little bugs. here are a few shots of my plants at 7 weeks
  8. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    remember it's not the destination, it's the sensations experienced along the way
  9. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    Hello all just thought I would wish you all Happy New Year and may you all have bountiful buds, here are some of mine at 7 weeks I guess this would fall under Frills? bongsmilie:mrgreen::joint:
  10. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    Well here are some pix of the progress been a tough 2 weeks. Happy New year all.. The one Koush is doing well tons of flowers, my one plant on the end in the corner thinks it's time to die but is coming back. Did not like the 50 degree res temp from last week. 3, 6, and 8 are the Pix of the KO...
  11. woodsmaneh!

    My First Hydroponic

    Looking real good. Have a great Christmas
  12. woodsmaneh!

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    Boy what a screwed up 2 weeks, first room was getting into the 95+ range, so added a 6" cooling line to the chillers, well got colder than I thought, checked the room 12 hr later and both res were at 50 degrees. holy shit bat man. Found the issue and fixed it, back draft damper, big $$$$. Took 6...
  13. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Spider Mites by W.S. Cranshaw and D.C. Sclar 1 (11/06) Quick Facts... · Spider mites are common plant pests. Symptoms of injury include flecking, discoloration (bronzing) and scorching of leaves. Injury can lead to leaf loss and even plant death. · Natural enemies include small...
  14. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    O my gosh, so much for making supper think I'll just smoke a big salad and drink it all in..............puff .....puff WOW......kind of like being sucked into a vortex, can't stop looking, nice kitty and bow, love the corset, puff puff OMG I do like a woman in stockings, and commando blush blush
  15. woodsmaneh!

    Lace and Frills <3

    xK just wanted to share this moment with you, just going to pop my 3000 posts cherry, April as your older and more experienced I'm saving 4000 for you. I want more experiences so I don't let you down. But then there is southern bell, O be still my heart, I'm such a whore sometimes, but I am...
  16. woodsmaneh!

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.
  17. woodsmaneh!

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    use to be u could do that with a Canadian 1$ bill but it showed the Queens ass, now it a coin, and there changing our money from paper to plastic, I gave a $100.00 bill to a woman in Wallmart for some stuff and I said easy to tell if there real or not now isn't it. She say's just as clear as...
  18. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info :joint:by ADMIN Cannabis is normally grown as an annual plant, completing its life cycle within one year. A seed that is planted in the spring will grow strong and tall through the summer and flower in the fall, producing...
  19. woodsmaneh!

    Woodsmaneh! Cool Growing Info

    Easy cloning This is what I do, why I do it, and how. What you need Sharp small scissors I use Frisker’s and get them from Hommer depot. They last me for years but all I use them for is clowning. I clean them with an alcohol swab before using. They stay sharp and have great control. I always...
  20. woodsmaneh!

    Canadian Medical Marijuana Patients & Growers

    When the call comes make sure your all there.....