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  1. redroot1954

    1st Grow 4 weeks flower

    Here are pics of my NL and Blue Mystic. My first attempt at this. Growing in FFOF with 33% perlite under a 150W HPS supplemented with a couple of 150W CFL's. I needed to keep it small so I started flowering at 3 weeks. Other than repot twice I haven't done a whole lot other than water and adjust...
  2. redroot1954

    1st grow, 3 weeks flower

    I'm growing 3 girls. 2 Blue Mystic and a NL. This is a photo of what has turned into the healthiest plant. The other 2 seem to be okay, just showing some signs of what I believe is nute burn. I'm growing in FFOF under a small 150 HPS that I've supplemented with a couple of 150w CFL's. The NL...
  3. redroot1954

    25 years

    I left the whole weed culture about 25 ears or so ago. Random drug testing entered my life and it just seemed a wise decision as I didn't care to give up my career. That was when I was in my mid 30's. I did manage to aqiuire some at one point. It wasn't very potent and I had to be careful about...
  4. redroot1954

    Hanna phep

    I didn't know where to post this and since I'm a first time grower I'm posting it here. Does anyone else have any experience with Hanna Instruments PHEP? It's the orange ph tester that runs about $50.00. The first one I bought quit after about a week. The guy at the hydro store exchanged it for...
  5. redroot1954

    1st time grower problem

    I was confused about your question, "what are you using for ph adjustment"? I was using a ph down solution that I purchased at a hydro store. And I didn't need but a drop or two, if that. I fill a 5 gal. bucket and let it sit outside for a couple of days. The ph seems about right without doing...
  6. redroot1954

    1st time grower problem

    I haven't used anything. Should I? The product claimed to be ph adjusted to, as I recall, a number suitable for weed. I have read that it's potent soil but I've also read numerous posts here and on other forums of folks having success with it. I mixed it with about 33% perlite so it's pretty...
  7. redroot1954

    1st time grower problem

    Northern Lights started in solo cups and repotted twice to larger pots. Using Fox Farms Ocean Forest. Indoors under 150w HPS. I don't have space nor the need for some huge plant so I vegged for 3 1/2 weeks under 18/6 and have been flowering for 2 weeks 12/12. I also have a Blue Mystic. I have...
  8. redroot1954

    are jiffy pallets bad to grow seeds?

    I did try to germinate a previous batch of seeds following the instructions on the Jiffy Pot container. Not a good move. I only resorted to the above as I didn't think the seed was going to germinate, I had to leave it for a couple of days and I thought, WTf, either it works or it doesn't.
  9. redroot1954

    are jiffy pallets bad to grow seeds?

    I'm new to this but this is my recent experience with Jiffy Pots. I germinated 4 seeds, 2 NL's and 2 Blue Mystics, by paper towel method. 3 germinated after 2 days one did not, a Blue Mystic. As I had to leave for a couple of days I planted the 3 germinated seeds into my soil mix and put the...
  10. redroot1954

    PH out

    Actually I did try earlier in the year but my grow space was too cold. Here's a photo (I hope) of one of the plants after 3 1/2 weeks in the soil. I started in Solo cups and transplanted after 2 weeks into these paint buckets that I cut some drainage holes in. I mixed the FFOF with 33% perlite...
  11. redroot1954

    PH out

    I have managed to figure one thing out and that's not to screw around with them to much. I watered them last Friday the 5th raised the lights a bit and had to leave them till today. When I checked in on them they were doing just fine although the soil was getting dry.
  12. redroot1954

    PH out

    I suppose because I was concerned about what might be in our town water and I don't have a filter. Being my first grow I didn't want to screw them up with something. I recall reading suggestions to use RO water. Do you think tap is okay? I realize all our other plants do fine with it. Thank you...
  13. redroot1954

    PH out

    This is my first post and I'm on my first grow. I have 2 Northern Lights and 2 blue Mystic's from Nirvana 3 1/2 weeks vegging and doing very well. I have them in Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I'm growing them under 150w CFL's in a well ventilated crawl space. I'm watering with store bought water which...