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  1. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fucking love them. Much prefer the creative energetic buzz to just monging out, walking around like a spastic (although I do need a good monging sesh sometimes.) That bit looks the business, very envious. Best I've gotten round these parts has been dire at best. Lived in Dam for 4-5 years and...
  2. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers, as you've probably seen, it's not great but it's been a good learning process + I've enjoyed it so win all round. Any smoke at all is a bonus. I've got 2 auto's G13 Blueberry Auto and a Dinafem freebie, growing the both in the garden with my veg and herbs. Plan is to get a little cycle...
  3. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Nah fresh meat Ice. Here to learn a bit and have a laugh while I'm at it. As I said before, I'm not a dick and I know the score. I think more than I speak and will roll with the punches (I'm sure you'll throw a few jabs yourself)
  4. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Then go for it mate, tell them they fucked up your feeding plan and you disappointed with the service provided, without being a dick about it. Most companies will sort you out to keep future custom + if they're an online retailer they won't be wanting the bad feedback you could potentially leave...
  5. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    hes a player n half i like that ozil, suprised madrid are letting him go and that tight cunt wenger is getting his wallet out. I know they must be mad to let him go, more combined key passes last season than Messi, Iniesta & Busquets COMBINED. And Wenger has said before he is willing to spend...
  6. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    knees ok for you ya gooner. Fuck I'll relish the distraction from waiting for this Ozil deal to go through, I'll have chomped my fingernails down to my knuckles if they don't make an official announcement soon.
  7. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Fuck Shawny, that must of sucked chopping her down, as much as I'm sure you would of loved to have seen that monster flower (as would I), you would be cursing yourself if the old bill came knocking because of it or some thieving cunts decided to break in to see if you got more. Best off this way...
  8. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Love getting 1 over on the yids. You can't buy class, North London is RED!
  9. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Haha Shawn, hardly fucking inconspicuous mate xD
  10. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yeah, deserved Liverpool win. Sturridge is looking in real good form, him and Suarez paired up front are going to be menacing this season. If Suarez stays, which appears to be the case. United just don't seem to have that confidence and killer instinct about them they have always had since I was...
  11. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Oi don't be knocking the bagels! They're the dogs bollocks.
  12. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    That's exactly what I'm in it for, cant' be arsed picking up shitty green ranging from 1.4-1.6g and paying 220 on an o. Feel more like nutting my dealers than thanking them. Robbing bastards. Same when I'm cooking, love going out into the garden, picking some herbs, cooking my own veg. Just...
  13. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Indoor is next, got all sorts of veg and herbs growing in the garden so I thought I would chuck down some beans and see what I could learn in the process. I've learned a lot, most of it the hard way. The plan is a 2-3 plant grow with a veg and flower chamber. Find a nice sativa strain I like...
  14. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    Plants look like they're dying, please help me save them. * Pics Inside *

    Thanks for the feedback AIU, If you mean why didn't I grow inside in the first place, because I wanted to grow some outside, I grow a lot of stuff out there, cucumbers, chili, garlic, loads of herbs, strawberries etc. If I could get away with growing 1 or 2 with the rest of the garden and...
  15. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ouch that bad eh? Like I said, had quite a few issues. I've been reading a lot over the past few months but with virtually no experience it was never going to be easy. Learned a lot though and hoping my third go will improve. If I get any smoke at all though I will consider it a win. The...
  16. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Afternoon lads, Near London attempting my second grow. First grow was in the garden, all got nicked by some fuckers in the dead of the night, ah well. Probably for the best as I had no fucking clue what I was doing, had 6 monsters on the go that were already outgrowing the 6ft garden fence and...
  17. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    Plants look like they're dying, please help me save them. * Pics Inside *

    Thanks for the advice guys. I purchased some calmag after the responses here. Picked up some biobizz fishmix, topmax and bloom. I've been feeding them every 4-5 days and have started leaving my water out for a few nights as the PH straight from the tap was measuring 4.8!! I'm starting to learn...
  18. WhoGuardsTheGuards

    Plants look like they're dying, please help me save them. * Pics Inside *

    Hi Guys, Second grow, first one got nicked during flower 2 years ago. Decided to have another stab at it with some autoflowers in the garden this year. (Based in the UK) So far everything has been great, yet recently things have been going downhill at a rapid pace. I've been feeding them...