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  1. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    it wont hurt your plant at all... it will promote growth of more fan leafs I have done this many times. If you are gong to kill of the plant when it is time to harvest I would cut all the fan leafs a week prior to the chop. :leaf:;-) Cut them then take proper care of the plant and spray them...
  2. Headhigh420

    Big ass fan leaves!

    I CUT MOST OF MINE FAN LEAFS OFF A WEEK PRIER TO HARVESTING THE COLAS AT THE SAME TIME I flush them and have had nothing but the best results. I don't cut them all off cause I like to re-veg them from my two nice trees if you know what I mean. Stronger yields from a re-vegged plant if you ask...
  3. Headhigh420

    All for the rights for free grow without the government stepping in trying to stop something...

    All for the rights for free grow without the government stepping in trying to stop something they know nothing about...
  4. Headhigh420 this is a few weeks late I will try... this is a few weeks late I will try to post more up to date pic's I am sure you will like. Until then peace out..bongsmilie
  5. Headhigh420

    My Little Grow With CFLs

    Some clones I had to move from another room. Put these guys back under 24 hours of light with 4/4300lum CFL's that you can find at your local home depot. :joint: A few weeks later::joint: Doing good not a spec of brown A few weeks from that with a few new clones I added.:joint...
  6. Headhigh420

    CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

    You could use aluminum foil without a problem with no heat CFLs. I have done it many times. Mylar works best if using higher heat type bulbs. Hope this helps. :peace: