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  1. phatpharmer

    How long are people waiting for to get their permits from H/C?

    didnt mean to ruffle any feathers lol never thought of it that way tell you the truth the only oil i no about is the kind you smoke lol i 2 ingest more the smoke but choose different cooking methods. i didnt mean to imply your a bad person at all just as you stated miss informed thanjs for...
  2. phatpharmer

    How long are people waiting for to get their permits from H/C?

    Buckets that suck you havent recieved yours as of yet took me 6 weeks for catergory2, was jessd right 40g aday i hope that isnt just for you? If its is I think your taking advantage but thats my opinion if its for multple patients i understand but this is only opinion. im became legal to have...
  3. phatpharmer

    How long are people waiting for to get their permits from H/C?

    Hey I just recieved my paperes to grow an pocess it took 6weeks exactly jan7 till today:0 WOO HOO:)
  4. phatpharmer

    extra product

    hey big i just tryed to message you again it keeps saying you reach your message intake limit and you need to clear some space to recieve messages lol
  5. phatpharmer

    extra product

    hey big i cant message you it say your massage box is full message me if you have time thx bud
  6. phatpharmer

    Sensible BC Campaign

    Its good to see that people are fighting for there medical rights to grow! Theres a national movement fighting for there rights lets just hope that things go the patients way instead of the few whom make the decsions for the many! There's a class action suit being launched against the government...
  7. phatpharmer

    Any SK Med Patients looking for seeds or clones?

    Wish you were in Ontario Id be all over it lol Need some help from Ontario med users if you no any? Its nice your doing this for patients it really is:)
  8. phatpharmer

    Newly Legal!! Need cuttings Please!Toronto area

    Hi guys Iv been away for quiet awhile Iv been trying to go legal, now that time has come after 30months of speacialist after speacialist it has fnally happened:) the only thing that sucks is that it mite only be for the year:( for this reason Im looking for some cuttings indica dom would be best...
  9. phatpharmer

    Canada trip for seeds!

    Sacred Seeds is better there's also a place called happy man's check them out, but beware most of the seedbanks in TO are always out of the most popular strains I no this becayse i'm at them regularly and they don't restock until the least popular sell out I think your better off saving money on...
  10. phatpharmer

    Question about Digital ballasts!

    Hi guy's I' currently running 1000w magnetic ballasts and want to change to Digital ballasts, the question I have is this I've read that a 600w digital ballast is eqivelent to a 1000w magnetic ballast is this true? It said that the digital ballast makes the light more efficient and could come...
  11. phatpharmer

    My C99 3 weeks from Havest!

    Thanks for the comments guy's and to answer your question on set up I'm using a 1000w MH with a Hortilux conversion bulb for flowering!
  12. phatpharmer

    hermie plant help

    I have more experience than you can imagine! Those aren't corn cobs in my avatar!LOL
  13. phatpharmer

    hermie plant help

    Props to you where the hell am I:clap:? Some people just don't no when to take advice:wall: I've done many grows and any sign of hermies I don't take the chance I KILL:fire:
  14. phatpharmer

    hermie plant help

    I wouldn't take the chance if I were you KILL KILL KILL:fire:
  15. phatpharmer

    White dwarf

    TigerBloom=1 Teaspoon per gallon Big Bloom=1 Tablespoon per gallon hope that helps!
  16. phatpharmer

    My C99 3 weeks from Havest!

    Hi guy's hers's a couple pics of my C99 from the Brother's Grimm, most people havest at 8 weeks flowering I usually wait 9 for the extra couch lock!:joint: The pic with santa is the havest from last grow Dec08 21/2lb! Phatpharmer Ps. I'll be starting a grow...
  17. phatpharmer

    Which do you prefer: Indica OR Sativa strains?

    I'd have to say Indica all the way! Other than C99 which is sativa which I just love! I grow all Indica's except for the C99:-P
  18. phatpharmer

    How much power consuption is to much?

    Thanks for the quick response, I would buy a HPS but I got 2 1000w MH systems free from work:clap: so I just use the Hortilux conversion bulb it seems to work good enough though! Evenually I want to go to 3 600w systems as soon as I get the funds:cry:. And with adding another light that should...
  19. phatpharmer

    How much power consuption is to much?

    Hi guy's I've been running a 1000w Mh 12/12 for about a year now and my average power consuption is about 1000kwh a month for my whole household for a bill of about $160 this is with other charges such as water,water heater etc... What I want to do is run another 1000w MH oppiste the one I have...
  20. phatpharmer

    How long should I wait?

    First Time using bubble cloner I've always used rockwool before, but thanks for the info even with the sarcasm!:clap: