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  1. phatpharmer

    How long should I wait?

    This has probally been asked before but here's the question anyways. First off I made a bubble cloner and after 9 days most have a root about 1/4 inch long with longest being 2 inches my question is how long should the roots be before i plant? I'm going to be put them in promix BX a soiless...
  2. phatpharmer

    Sativa Strains Needed

    I'll 2nd C99 its not only potent as hell its one of the faster flowering sativas at only 8 weeks! Phatpharmer
  3. phatpharmer

    To all Cinderella 99 growers! - odor

    I no Joey Weed sells C99, but I also no they'er not the original breeders, that was the Brothers Grimm which is where my gene's come from! But saying that I no Joey Weed really no his stuff so ordering from them would be trust worthy genes as well so hope that helps a little. Phatpharmer:joint:
  4. phatpharmer

    To all Cinderella 99 growers! - odor

    I've done 5 or 6 C99 grows now, the first 2 I didn't have a carbon scubber and when you got about 2 feet away from the front door thats all you smelt was weed, but since I've added my carbon scubber no worries! I found with this strain that it really didn't smell until the last 3 weeks of...
  5. phatpharmer

    What is the best fertilizer for growing marijuana?

    I only use fox farm products, there a little hard to find where I live but there all organic and have never done me wrong! Phatpharmer:bigjoint:
  6. phatpharmer

    Just saying Hi to Everyone!

    Thanks for the welcome guy's
  7. phatpharmer

    Toronto Cannabis Cup Anyone going?

    Yeah no problem on letting you no what the amount given away will be, I'm also going with my wife and don't forget 2 tickets means double everything at least that how I'm looking at it! We'll smoke one of each entry at the event and take the other home for rainy days LOL Phatpharmer
  8. phatpharmer

    Toronto Cannabis Cup Anyone going?

    Hi guy's just wondering if anyone's going to this event? I'm going to get my tickets tomorrow, after talking to the promoter its sounds like a pretty cool event! If you haven't herd about it here's the web page detailing the 3 day event June 12,13,14 he also...
  9. phatpharmer

    Just saying Hi to Everyone!

    Hi guy's, I've been reading these forums for awhile now and thought it was about time I joined the conversation. I' ve been growing for about 17 years total but only 1 year indoors, I've done 5 indoor grows now all C99 (great strain) I'll be starting a Northernlights grow in about 2-3 weeks and...