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  1. willienelson1stgrow


  2. willienelson1stgrow

    I fucked up:(

    Started in seedling mix in a 2leter after paper towel germ. Your right, I'm over complicating the two I have in organic roots. My tap water is usually around 720ppm after letting it sit 24hrs. So to be safe I use reverse osmosis water. Damn Brita filter didn't drop it one bit
  3. willienelson1stgrow

    I fucked up:(

    Cotyledons Dried up, beginning veg mode. Picture was taken on the seventh Before the slightly acidity first feed
  4. willienelson1stgrow

    I fucked up:(

    Fan leave tips turned brown, but it still looks lush and green. I had redness showing on the stems, it appears to be fading back to green. Tested some of the run off 5.7ph. I think they will be fine, at least until the next time
  5. willienelson1stgrow

    Possible good news from Monterey County.

    Making sheep jump through hurdles
  6. willienelson1stgrow

    I fucked up:(

    Ok, cool that makes me feel way better. thanks guys. I'm using roots organic soil. Am I mixing these nutrients wrong or is it normal for the ph to drop after mixing. The ph before I mixed was 6.7
  7. willienelson1stgrow

    I fucked up:(

    Damn, I fucked up. I mixed a 1/4 solution of flora series with some CaMg+ and forgot to check ph. After watering two plants I remembered, PH MOTHER FUCKER! the ph was at 5.0 What do you guys think? Am I ok will it go into shock? should I flush with correct ph water? they are in soil btw
  8. willienelson1stgrow

    lemon tree seedling

    I started a few avocados last year, only took 5 days to split and show roots. But it took almost 4 month for the leaves to appear. I ended up giving them away.
  9. willienelson1stgrow

    Craziest Things You've Found In Weed.

    I was in Mexico. 2008 got a brick for $50. it was super compressed so i wanted to break it up so I could roll it up, and I found little bones. After collecting them all it appeared to be a lizard skeleton.
  10. willienelson1stgrow

    Possible good news from Monterey County.

    Does my 420 evaluations, physicians statement and recommendation protect me here in monterey county? Or do I need to get the card that the department of health and safety issue Under the medical marijuana patients identification card program?
  11. willienelson1stgrow

    Possible good news from Monterey County.

    Then we'll just have to stand together and demand some freedom.
  12. willienelson1stgrow

    smoking resin

    Am I the only one that used to scrape my pipe so I could smoke the resin When I ran out of flower?
  13. willienelson1stgrow


    Strawberry cough?
  14. willienelson1stgrow

    I should have posted this before buying, I hope I'm not wasting all this effort on hermaphrodite plants. Is it possible for a hermaphrodites seeds to be normal? Or do they only produce other hermies?
  15. willienelson1stgrow

    The packages came from within the states
  16. willienelson1stgrow


    I'm gonna try a mix of 1-4 seeds per cube.
  17. willienelson1stgrow

    mutant cannabis

    This is my first grow, got that seed in the first batch of seeds I've ever purchased l.
  18. willienelson1stgrow


    They looked like a pOle variety, but they died when I put them out side, I think the frost killed them.