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  1. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    looking very nice ddue and just pull them down a little after watering makes it a little less stressful but its not really a big deal you can damn near pull that thing into a rainbow and in a few hours it will be pointed up to the light again.. kinda annoying i had to move my tie like 3 times in...
  2. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    yea personally i dont think it would herm from what ive read but you might wanna ask someone with a little more experience lol you might wanna look into defoliation if you top your plants though youll notice them get a lot bushier. as for nutes ive just always heard the more natural the better...
  3. C

    I need to rant about THIS section

    yea i understand what your saying like when someone askes a question about nutes and there like oh yea use this.... and 5 posts later its my first grow but it worked for me... Ive spent enough time on here to see those always makes me laugh a little though some people just need to realize the...
  4. C

    Curling on young plant (1st set of leaves)

    if your leaving you water out it need to be under uvb light either in your grow area or in a window... the light nuetralizes all the chemical.. you can go a step further and filter the water to remove things such as iron and what not.. learned that trick from my aquarium guy... best way to clean...
  5. C

    I need to rant about THIS section

    so fucking glad i read this ha... im a complete noob did my research just kinda threw stuff together for a first grow but its kinda upsetting listening to veteran growers rant about us noobs because sometimes i have just been mislead..(such as about trichromes) but now ive read it right and now...
  6. C

    Twisted leaves

    too much nitrogen but not way too much. had the same problem. they probably twisting almost into a 90 degree turn??
  7. C

    First Grow, already expanding.... might wanna take a look at this befor you go and waste money: just thought i would share kinda changed my opinions on things
  8. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    ha i was actually hoping you may be able to help me with that im not too familiar with whats the best some guy told me on here something with 0-5-2 was best but from what ive read it kinda is almost what you prefer ha i read on a different forum that it does work but some guy said he was having...
  9. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    i dint think it was all that big of a deal at first but i got my lights as close as they can and wow i went from growing up half an inch everyday to an extra set of leaves and bigger fan leaves just by doing it.. and tying my plants down really seems to have been a good choice the one i didnt is...
  10. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    and cant you ge that light any closer those top few shoots really look like there reaching for that light
  11. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    yea ive been diggin this thread ha wish i had the space to do a grow like that. if your having height problems why dont you just pull that top down a little thats what i did with mine and actually almost doubled the bud sites gave me my height back only downfall i kinda bent my plant a wierd way...
  12. C

    First Grow, already expanding....

    any way you can redirect the dry air into your cab? and do you prefer fimming or topping? this is my first grow and i can tell i prefer topping because when you fim those top 4 colas kinda overshadow the rest of the plant just wondering which you prefer really
  13. C

    Xanax bars

    such a love hate love relationship with these bars... love having them.. hate how my friends have to tell me later how much fun we had because i dont remember.... and there so easy to take too many...
  14. C


    so idk how hot you light actually is but whenever im looking to see where im gonna set my lights just put your hand under it and feel my cfl lights are only 55 true watts and there hot as hell when you touch them but a little more than a 1/2 inch away its cool as hell cause of the fan i have...
  15. C

    thinking i need a veteran growers response

    ha the top of it makes it look much worse than what it really is i kinda Topped off the pot with plain dirt because roots normally wont go near the top inch or so i studied a little agronomy and my grandparents have a pretty large farm so i have all the testing tools at my disposal that dirts...
  16. C

    thinking i need a veteran growers response

    also did i top and fim them correctly i think its obvious which is which all are lst if im doing it right or something wrong feel free to comment
  17. C

    thinking i need a veteran growers response

    definetely gonna take it into consideration if i use soil again thank you very much
  18. C

    thinking i need a veteran growers response

    thanks i dont think i wanna transplant it now (think it might be shoing male) but any more advice for future gows i think i might go aeroponics next if i can find a nice female to clone but incase i dont and advice would be great might also spring for a 150 hps if i end up with more than 2 or 3...
  19. C

    thinking i need a veteran growers response

    so not exactly sure if i need to do something about this or not but heres what i got pure dirt no nutes mixed with miracle grow water managment soil. lights seem to be enough for now not sure if its happening because i switched to 12/12 the other day i was on a 20/4 schedule put them in 32...
  20. C

    L.ow S.tress T.raining, a process...

    so i dont know your extent of knowledge of lst but i was wondering do you have to make a full 90 degree bend to get the efferct or can slight modest bents and holding the plant down accomplish the same thing