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  1. C

    Super mini plants (update)

    oh incase your wondering the iguana smokes too lol one day he ate like all my weed on my coffee table ever since then he will crawl on my lap anytime me and my friends are smoking which doesnt seem like a big deal but any other time i can hardly grab him without him biting or clawing me... sorry...
  2. C

    Super mini plants (update)

    being that this is my first grow ive got that many plants to account for males lol the two tiny seedling in the middle are the only ones i care about there seeds from bud called ancient orange the others are bag seed lol the other ones im just tring different things like lst topping and fimming...
  3. C

    Super mini plants (update)

    so the space is3.5x2.5x3 ha its the cabinet underneath lol i have a hiddin lock which is cool for stealth and its completely sealed lol it was kinda thrown up over nightand im definetely gonna do it better next grow this is my first i have my new light fixture ready but just gotta go buy the...
  4. C

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    ok doing a trial and error thing topped one plant fimmed another ill see how it goes
  5. C

    stealth scrog grow with cfl's

    sorry to bring up an old subject but you said you topped them down to the first node? and you did this when they grew to be 4 nodes tall correct?
  6. C

    L.ow S.tress T.raining, a process...

    just a question at how many nodes do you start lst? and im kinda scared of breaking my plants.(im a first grower) how do you go about starting the process you made all the other parts seem pretty dumb proof just not too sure about starting the process
  7. C

    Super mini plants (update)

    hey looks like were working with about the same amount of space just wondering how many lumens your putting out with your cfls?
  8. C

    My leaves are curling up

    quick question were the very point of your leaves burnt basically the very tips of the jagged part of your leaves? if so i think you may have just solved my problem mine are looking just like that
  9. C

    help this craziness with my babies

    ok so they dry nicely i just put the fan on them hoping it was a heat issue there on a 20/4 cycle and you think the soil will be ok with the size they are now? and during flowering i was planning on switching into organic to get better taste and you think 4 55 watt buls and 8 23 watt dual...
  10. C

    help this craziness with my babies

    temps are anywhere between 73 and 80 but its next to the heat vent you think those burst of extreme heat might be doing it while im away?
  11. C

    help this craziness with my babies

    you think i should lift the lights or try and cool down the cabinet? cfls are about 4-5 inches away
  12. C

    help this craziness with my babies

    so im new at this and have a concern with my baby plants. right now im not using any nutes at all just distilled water. the soil is miracle grow moisture control potting mix 21% nitrogen with potash and potassium.its soil with perlite and peat moss.. the soild sounds perfect from the bag to grow...