help this craziness with my babies


so im new at this and have a concern with my baby plants. right now im not using any nutes at all just distilled water. the soil is miracle grow moisture control potting mix 21% nitrogen with potash and potassium.its soil with perlite and peat moss.. the soild sounds perfect from the bag to grow marijuana so i used it those babies are surrounded by 1 55 watt cfl, 2700k with 3600 lumens(sounded good for flowering later) along the sides are two 25 watt 5000k 1600 lumens dual spectrum cfls(sounded good for all growth, the plants are just bag seed figured this is a learning experience. they are watered every other day with a water bottle so they dont get too moist. they were perfectly green and healthy and then the leaves started rolling up and inward and no one seems to ahve this problem but ive searched hard for the solution with no luck so hopefully everyone else can help ive got way way way more lights but didnt want to put them in this young if that can help but plase help


the lights being so close will only stunt the height on the babies as far i know but to me your plants seem fine i wouldnt worry too much


temps are anywhere between 73 and 80 but its next to the heat vent you think those burst of extreme heat might be doing it while im away?
yes perhaps, im no extreme expert with this but with extreme burst of heat i can imagine it will peak over 80 and anything over 80 will harm your plants, iv been keeping mine around 70 and there doing good


Miracle-Gro soil has a slew of problems associated with it, and the moisture control formula even worse so. Next time, try a light seed-starting mix with NO continuous-release fertilizer, then once the plant is ready for transplant, repot with Fox Farms Ocean Forrest or Roots Organic. Miracle-Gro soil is often too "hot" (too nutrient-rich) to grow seedlings in, and may cause stunting or death. Its good that you learn this early- you still have time to VERY gingerly transplant these seedlings into more suitable soil.

What are temps like? Is your medium drying in-between waterings? (Probably not with this soil)

Your light is ample for this stage- not enough light isn't your problem.

Is there a fan on your plants? I've also seen curl like that as a result of wind-chap.

Air is too dry
Medium is too "hot" (nutrient rich)
Temperature is too high (lights too close)

Maybe all three. Doin pretty good though.

*EDIT* OK i see your temps now- a little high. What you need to do is check the temp at the zone where the leaves are. Temperature can vary wildly between say, 5 inches from the light, or 3 inches from the light. Then report that temperature.
I am transplanting my babies tmr into 5 gallon buckets. what type of soil to you recommend for flowering and i only really have acess to Canadian tire walmart reno depot so try and give me one that would be at a local hardware store


ok so they dry nicely i just put the fan on them hoping it was a heat issue there on a 20/4 cycle and you think the soil will be ok with the size they are now? and during flowering i was planning on switching into organic to get better taste and you think 4 55 watt buls and 8 23 watt dual spectrum will be enough for 2 or 4 plants?