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  1. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Today I have two more little sproutlings (Strain B, Strain C) peaking out of the soil putting it at a total of five baby plants under four 42w CFLs (now these CFLS have an incredibly high Kelvin/Lumens rating and I can get the exact numbers if anyone needs them). They are on 24/0 cycle with the...
  2. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    I guess I should clarify, lol! This is the first grow (with the new setup). I'm considering it successful, so far, since our previous tries ended up with massive stretching, over-watering, yadda yadda. So yes, this is the first grow that is going well and today was the two week marker. I guess...
  3. RedEyeJedi420

    First Grow Going Well

    Hello! This is just a brief introduction into our first (successful) grow, and we hope you'll follow along on our journey from bagseed to bud. As stated above, we are using bagseed (three separate varieties named A, B, and C), and have an indoor grow. We are using Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil...
  4. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Thanks for the reply! Haha, perhaps "sage" isn't the word I should have used. I was merely attempting a bagseed grow and by sage I had meant wise and learned advice. My local Hydro shop told me the same thing (both about the diatomacious earth and switching to hydro) and I plan to try a hydro...
  5. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Thank you so much! After all of the research and combing the internet that I did I have come to the conclusion that while creepy, the bugs aren't really harming the plants. It's probably just tiny white spiders like you said and they're eating my nummy nummy FFOF soil (since it's chock full...
  6. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Okay~! Thank you SO much to everyone who replied and helped me out. I've scrapped this grow and chalked it up to learning and will start over with some new lights, less watering, and NO nutes until at least four or five weeks in. If you replied to this thread and did not receive a Reputation+...
  7. RedEyeJedi420

    enough leaves left to flower?

    Just a quick question for you: did you stop using your HPS completely or did you add in some additional CFLs? Thanks!
  8. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Yeah, I've checked everywhere on the plants: where the stem meets the branches, under the leaves, on top of the leaves, and I even uprooted the plant that was toppled over and there weren't any near the roots! I still have no idea what they are, but I'm getting new lights soon and I plan to...
  9. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Okay, I have a crappy camera (I'm getting a better one soon, but hopefully I'll only need it for awesome pictures, not yucky bug ones), and these little dudes are TINY! I managed to snag a single decent shot of what is infesting my pots! Again, they're very small round/oval white bugs and they...
  10. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Haha, I get you both. :D Thanks for all of the help! I got a moisture meter from a local Bigbox store AND I've started "hefting" them so that I can water them more accurately. I was definitely watering them too much at first!
  11. RedEyeJedi420

    Just harvested....confused

    Oh! I am so glad you corrected me! I have been told wrong for quite some time now! I was always taught to only cut at an angle if you want to make a cutting, but that diagram makes perfect sense! Thank you so much!
  12. RedEyeJedi420

    seedling leaves turning down! whats wrong (pic) HELP

    Also a very good suggestion, but he says he has CFLs and, from what I've read, you can safely place the plants an inch underneath them without repercussions!
  13. RedEyeJedi420

    seedling leaves turning down! whats wrong (pic) HELP

    Oooh, yeah, I did that, too! They're very hard to accurately water in those little flats because they seem to dry out so quickly, but I learned that it's much better to under-water than it is to over-water!
  14. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Thank you for the link! I have one small (4'') fan in there, but it's not a large box, and of course I open the door to water/check on them. Also, I have been digging around and while they look like Spider Mites they also look like Mealy Bugs! But they're not fuzzy ... although I am looking...
  15. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Thank you for the quick response! Yeah, I agree about the Mites, and I've never seen these little guys on the leaves. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what they are. It boggles the mind! I definitely gave them their nutes too soon, especially since a lot of people say the soil I use...
  16. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    See, I was thinking that originally, but they don't look remotely larvae-like at all! They look like itty bitty white ticks. Let me see if I can dig around for a photo of what closest resembles them! And thanks again for the help! You rock!
  17. RedEyeJedi420

    Just harvested....confused

    I'm not sure how valid this is, but I heard that if you prune with a very sharp razor blade you avoid a bit of the stress that usually comes with pruning, and, you probably are, but try to get the cuts as straight as possible. EDIT: Eep! Ignore that and refer to the post with the diagram below...
  18. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Thank you for replying! Yeah, I have had a fan on them since about day four and on, but they are a lost cause now. I woke up this morning to find them completely shriveled up (not dry or brittle, just limp and thin). I'm definitely going to start over, keeping them closer to my crappy lights...
  19. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Bumping just in case anyone else has some awesome advice.
  20. RedEyeJedi420

    Newbie Needs Sage Advice Please

    Thanks for the quick response! When they were just sprouting they were much closer to the lights and I have had a bit of a problem getting them close enough so I will definitely try getting them much closer next time! I've heard a lot about Neem Oil, and I was going to try that in combination...