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  1. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    Nice Info, thanks! Yeah the lights are placed along the sides and up top. Gets pretty hot act gotta have a fan in there. Does the yield look weak so far? What would it be like if it was pulled/harvested on the 7th week, would I get anything?
  2. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    Here is a picture. There are about 9 cfl's on that.
  3. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    I know the foil is bad to use, but it is better than nothing, and I am dirt poor atm sooo yeah....
  4. PNWsasquatch

    4th week flowering. How much longer do you think I have?

    Im at the 4th week of flowering, smells very little so far. I did 60 days in veg. Trying to post some pics lets see how that goes! Anyone tell what type it is by looking? I am trying my best to hurry it up, when do you think the soonest I could yield anything?
  5. PNWsasquatch

    Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes

    Wow you are one of the most out spoken retards I have ever heard.... Your words don't mean shit to me, in fact it is nothing but a steaming pile of crap... We will see who gets brought up on what, and when someone does (Rumsfeld) what is your ever so clever ass going to say, oh I am sure how you...
  6. PNWsasquatch

    Devil in 911 Twin Towers Smoke? *VID*

    Breaks my heart everytime.....
  7. PNWsasquatch

    Was George Washington a Gay Pot Smoker?

    If I would have to take a shot in the I would say no... *Shot in the dark*
  8. PNWsasquatch

    Was George Washington a Gay Pot Smoker?

    Well I know he had wood in his mouth alot (wooden teeth) ha ha so funny I know......... What does it really matter now if he was gay? If I would have to take a shot in the I would say no... The fact that the guy smoked means he is okay in my book, oh and being the leader of a nw nation was kinda...
  9. PNWsasquatch

    Would this country(USA) be better off as two?

    Don't be a dick.... It is a question do I really need a response like this?! Why do you even respond, couldnt you have just read on and said nothing, or at least give more of though into your statement. Why am I stupid? (No not trying to get you to come up with some clever joke that you think is...
  10. PNWsasquatch

    17k to afghanistan: who will be first?

    As it has been proven over time afghanistan cannot be conquered!
  11. PNWsasquatch

    Would this country(USA) be better off as two?

    It would never happen I know, but everday I sit and watch the news and read the blogs and feel such a seperation in the people. I myself am Liberal and do not agree with the Right wing what so ever. I could sit there and debate right wingers all day but in the end it doesnt make a difference. I...
  12. PNWsasquatch

    obama LEGALIZING

    I want to give the man a chance, even if it were McCain I would give him time. Obama has it so hard starting off with shit, but he can honestly say when he makes mistakes, and honesty is something the American people have not had in some time. I am not saying that Democrats are the greatest...
  13. PNWsasquatch

    Obamacrats still retarded

    I am sorry, but is there really that many ignorant people out there?!?!?! Oh yes Republicans have worked out soooo well for this country right?! Open your eyes people! Republicans are a joke! It is truly time to force out the so called religious right wing. So many Republicans claim to be such...
  14. PNWsasquatch

    obama LEGALIZING

  15. PNWsasquatch

    obama LEGALIZING

    So because someone else completly ruined the economy, Obama has already failed? Sounds like scared white man talk if you ask me (Im white to, just more progressive). Don't worry he is not going to come to your door and take your guns and make you take down your confederate flag, so don't worry...
  16. PNWsasquatch

    Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes

    MedicineMan is right!
  17. PNWsasquatch

    Majority of Americans want Bush investigated for war crimes

    You are crazy... Yeah just keep walking lock step with what King G.W. wanted you to.. IF there is truly any justice in this world than a few people from such a corrupt system should be brought to justice. More and more I start to lose hope in such a corrupt/selfish humanity/society. I know when...
  18. PNWsasquatch

    obama LEGALIZING

    Man he hasnt even been in office for a couple of months and already everybody thinks he is going to send this country to hell.... Yeah I really think this country would be better off with king george in charge, or even better how about Bush Light (McCain). Come on people really just give the man...
  19. PNWsasquatch

    begining 3rd week flowering w/cfls. Very little smell.

    Yeah its only one plant. Thanks for the quick reply! Have any idea how long I would need to flower until I could yield anything?