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  1. F

    Filtering grow tent air intakes

    Depends on the number of plants you have, the space, and the average temp of the room. I run different size fans, my exhaust is 1300 cfm and my intake is around 700 cfm. I can control the speed of both and I have a lot of headroom with my fans. I could use a larger space if I wanted to and...
  2. F

    Filtering grow tent air intakes

    Yeah good air filters are very expensive. I got some 8 inch ones and they were almost 200 MSRP a piece but worth it imo. But I need to pull a lot of air and I got them on sale for 100 each so I went for them. They are washable and re usable. But you can get what you need without spending a...
  3. F

    I need experienced member(s) advice

    Back to the OP's concerns; Have you thought about a light mover?? I am currently in a space about that size. I use a light mover and so far I like the results and I don't have heat problems. I feel like light movers allow you to keep the lights very close and maximize your space. But I do...
  4. F

    want to build a small grow room(first timer)

    Address all your ventilation issues first! This is very important! Properly ventilate your room/box/space and make sure you can control the temperature. You want to keep things around 80 degrees with your lights on and no colder than 60 when your lights are off. You should shoot for a 10 or 15...
  5. F

    Help! Trying to find a place to buy the magnum xxxl or big kahuna reflector.

    out here in cali I picked up 2 of these XXXL reflectors on craigslist with a ballast for 250 bucks each, no bullshit. Not everyone has this luxury, but if your close to a medical state where more people are growing, and you need to procure a lot of equipment, it may be worth a search on...
  6. F

    Carbon filter question

    I have a question! Can we blow air BACK THROUGH a carbon filter without any problems? Or is the air only supposed to be drawn from it?
  7. F

    This Is My Grow. There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine. 2k On Light ,Mover

    Thanks alot man! I will def be posting more photos as the weeks progress!
  8. F

    This Is My Grow. There Are Many Like It, But This One Is Mine. 2k On Light ,Mover

    I have been busy! I don't get overly involved in online forums, but I might change that. I am in CA and I would like to get more involved with members of the community who are as passionate and dedicated to growing as I am. Back in my home state, I was always confined to small spaces to keep...
  9. F

    Buds not dense enough

    You have "proven" that there are other methods for producing a great finished product. That's good for you and good for the community. You are developing new techniques. I don't doubt your or your accomplishments. I have no reason. But, you should acknowledge the fact that most people don't...
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    Buds not dense enough

  11. F

    Minimalist approach

    "Is there anything wrong with this plan? Are there any 2 boosters that would work best or be most likely to add to the quality and bulk of my harvest? Keep in mind that I am not looking for "bag appeal" but rather than resin content, aroma and quality. I hash almost everything I grow. All...
  12. F

    what does "Automatic strains" mean?

    Lowrider is an autostrain that can be pretty decent, but yeah it's not supers
  13. F

    Buds not dense enough

    There are other factors here that are important in achieving a high yield of dense sticky buds from your plant. However, it's not really up for debate; light is a huge contributing factor to dense buds and yields. Anyone doubting the importance of intense light exposure at all times is passing...
  14. F

    Dumb ass partner fucks up the timer... now what? Experienced growers pls advise

    About 3 1/2 weeks into flowering, my partner switched some things around. One of the things he switched was the timer. He consolidated 2 lights to one timer on a power strip. All good. But, the fucking idiot plugs a timer in that's on 8-16 instead of 12-12. It's been roughly 3 weeks. I...
  15. F

    Please help me diagnose what my leaves are telling me!!!

    You should re-post in "plant problems" This looks like classic overfeeding to me.
  16. F

    Two HO T5's +400w hps or 1000w?

    Here is the problem with flourecent lights: They don't "throw" light very far. They lose alot of their lumens over short distances. This means that only your canopy will get that intense light your buds crave, and lower foliage will look weak. Your plants will stretch. If you couple it with the...
  17. F

    Indoor grow: Am I paranoid? Can I be safer? How much is too much?

    So I been doin my thing for a while and recently I got into a situation that allowed me to kinda step my shit up so to speak. I got a big room with the following equpiment: Light Rail 5 with 1k Light rail 3 with 600 (might swap to 1k) 400 watt MH for the veg I have plants in dirt, and...
  18. F

    Please Help.

    Sounds like classic overfeeding. You can't add fertilizer to that fox farms product until the plants are well into flowering.
  19. F

    Small mistake may lead to big problems, experienced growers please advise

    I've been growing for a while, I am fairly experienced. I actually started with hydro/aero before my 1st soil grow. So I finally got a space big enough to do soil. I brought in 20 healthy clones (gravity) and vegged them for about 3 weeks, and switched them to flowering. The only problem is...