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  1. brettsog

    Heatsinks for DIY LED lamps

    Ok so I have bought my cobs (3 x vero29 3000k). Would I be better going with individual heatsinks ando fans (alpine 11 or 64 plus) or I can buy a 700x150x20mm heatsink which I would hope to cool them passively? Any thoughts? I will probably be running them at around 2.1a and 75w each
  2. brettsog

    Thanks to you all... LIVES!

    Very good build by the way. Solder is always my preference with wire anyway. If I have to go small single strand to a larger wire I normally push the single strand into the wire and solder whole thing and slide heat shrink over.
  3. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    And I have a little update, quick pic, I have 6 healthy little bushes
  4. brettsog

    Thanks to you all... LIVES!

    Crimp connectors??!?! U slide wire in, then crimp. Done. They are used in car audio all the time. They vary in sizes and they come with different sized ends for using different gauge wiring and they are pennies. I paid 50p for a pack of 8 a few weeks ago
  5. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I know, I think they ask business' them questions, not sure. I said I was using them for a diy lighting project. :)
  6. brettsog

    ...All Things Vero...

    Nice so near the 1gpw mark. Anything near that and I'll be super happy lol
  7. brettsog

    ...All Things Vero...

    Thanks for quick reply. I see that now. 39v for 2.8 a so would be just not enough. From everything I have been told and read vero like to be driven hard so was aiming for 70-75w per cob. I'm gonna add another strip of 3 after I have built this successfully.. should be fun in 3'x1.5'
  8. brettsog

    ...All Things Vero...

    Which of these drivers would be better to run an individual vero 29 3000k, the 70w or 80w.
  9. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Ok so just ordered 3 vero 29s from digikey, boy do they ask a lot of questions, they wanted to know what I was using the lights for. Is that not a little too much info to provide especially living where it's illegal to grow.
  10. brettsog

    My First DIY LED

    28awg is for small would want something with a few cores rather than a single strand
  11. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I rent from a housing association. All they do is come and see if I need any major work done or if I am damaging the property, the actual home owner comes once every 5 years. They don't look around at much but just in case don't really want a grow in the cupboard lol
  12. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I have used lst successfully in the past. It would have worked well in my space. I am probably not gonna get full use of my scrog screen this time round. Next time I will only be growing 2 plants so I can use the scrog properly. This grow is on a time restriction, plus I get 6 monthly house...
  13. brettsog

    ...All Things Vero...

    They are called tek bolts in UK or tek screws. At least that's what I know them as.
  14. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I'm in UK so we use metric measurements anyway, I just get used to used imperial online as there are more Americans on here. Have u ever heard of main lining, think it's called something else now. I did it to an ak48 I was growing a few years back and I got 4 x 1/2z colas. If I had more time...
  15. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I have 4 in 11ltr smart pots, and 2 in roughly 5ltr plastic pots. I'm using regular compost and roughly 30% perlite. I will be using dutch pro nutes, reason I topped as I wanna encourage the lower growth so I get as even a canopy as possible. This is more trial and error then anything, I'm...
  16. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    So today I open the tent 2 days after topping and they have grown huge lol
  17. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    Ok so I topped all 6 plants today, they have exactly one month left of veg so I can get a Xmas harvest. Will post a pic shortly
  18. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    It's probably the sturdiest frame I've ever built. I can stand on it. I'm not small.... The wire was nice and cheap and it's plastic coated. If one becomes loose it's strung individualy so I just loosen 2 screws and replace that string. Collapses by removing only 8 screws. I impressed myself tbh lol
  19. brettsog

    600w viparled GSC grow journal

    I'll look into diatom earth, they are stressing me out a bit. There seems to be one every time I go into tent