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  1. brettsog

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    home made co2, i replace it every 2 weeks or so. is about half a kg bag of sugar and a teaspoon of yeast the rest is just water
  2. brettsog

    Last indoor grow.... come take a peek

    hi guys, been floating on here a while now and have established myself in the 250w club. im starting this thread so i can keep track of where im at and with what. im using a 250w MH bulb to veg with and ill be switching to hps a week after i drop to 12/12 to try and help keep the stretch down a...
  3. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    attitude will take them i think, along with anyone else who accepts mastercard
  4. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    just thought i'd throw in a couple pics of where im @. the first is my 4 top mainlined ak48, i couldnt be bothered to go anymore than that. then i have my amnesia which im not fiddling with, and my white widow clone from my last run and last but not least my ak47 auto. gonna start my own thread...
  5. brettsog

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i had exactly the same thing. only one plant though, looked a bit like a clover once it sprouted leaves. i just pulled it once i realized it wasn't my MJ
  6. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i would take them back and get my money, no way would i take that many clones going hermie, especially if your saying he keeps his mother in shitty conditions.
  7. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i have just got myself a 250w MH bulb and so far im impressed. the plants seem to like the 4c temp increase and have grown a fair bit in the last 2 days. i have it at 8" away with no sign of burns so im happy. why didnt i do this before. im moving into my last stage of veg. i have mainlined my...
  8. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    bigger pots........
  9. brettsog

    How are YOU Handling DAYLIGHT SAVINGS

    an extra hour of photosynthesis wont hurt i dont think. its only once. if it was repeated then it might
  10. brettsog

    Why aren't you supposed to top autoflowering plants?

    because autos don't have the time in veg to recover properly as they flower automatically so in the end you will end up hurting your yield.......
  11. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i got a 40x loupe off fleabay for £3, works fine for me. hettyman, in the subcools old school organics section there is his world renowned supersoil recipe. im gonna be using it for my outdoor grow next year.
  12. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    i said about 10oz. good guessing :)
  13. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    im using a venture bulb. 29000 lumens and 3000k i believe. gonna have a good spread this time around so i should get more than 2.5oz :)
  14. brettsog

    600 Watt HPS FLOWER + 400 MH VEG, DWC-Sea Of Green.

    this is looking promising, those blue widows looked sexy, have you managed to get a sog going yet??
  15. brettsog

    Coco Growers Unite!

    i have a question to ask, for the moment im using the coco variation of the lucas formula with a tsp of epsom salts with every feeding (usually every few days been waiting about 6), this is during veg only, i will be switching to dutch pro a+b for flower. will i need a cal mag supplement using...
  16. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    yeah fair point grazz..... let my mind run away with itself. im only a personal grower. im just looking to get my 12 month supply in one hit so i dont need to have a grow going continuously all year round. im no dealer. its far too easy to end up locked away and like i said, ive got a family to...
  17. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    a child lol. got 3 between me n the missus but my 2 only stay every other weekend. if i do end up with the flat idea it will be 2 full 3-4kw rooms and another for veg and mothers, im still trying to work out the profit that could be made in a year from a setup like that. im happy with the grow...
  18. brettsog

    growing in coco problem

    coco wont completely dry out. that is one of its good properties. it retains moisture very well but doesnt clump up so even if you kept pouring water through it it would only hold onto what it can. just leave it an extra day or 2 between waterings and you will notice the difference. im using...
  19. brettsog

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    he did it properly. had a sealed room setup, fully insulated, co2 you couldnt hear it standing right underneath it. to be honest if i was gonna earn enough from it i would probably rent a place on the side and convert it. but i dont have the capital to invest and certainly cant explain another...
  20. brettsog

    8ft x 7ft x 7ft shed electrics advise please

    can u vent under the house. its not too much of an issue have a duct blowing air out of a shed, as i said if you use the excuse its becoming a laundry room/larder you will have reason to be ducting hot air out (tumble dryer)