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    What Can I Do If A Dispensary Ripped Me Off?

    You really cant do anything legal like sue in court without having a written contract. You can legally stand outside the dispensary and tell everyone that goes in about their poor business habits. Word of mouth can be quite damaging
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    How to carry weed on a domestic flight

    Go 3 days without it............... Is it worth Federal Charges for smuggleing and a few years in Jail!!! Go 3 days without it..............
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    Am I wanted?

    Wake up and smell the coffie Did you get arrested and not show up for court, have a outstanding ticket thats not been paid, etc etc etc..... Some states have a web site that you can punch in info and find out if a warrent has been issued, some have it where you can enter your driver lisc...
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    O M G HELP!!! guns and weed felony need help!

    If they had that much of a case against you they would have arrested you. Do not say anything to the police if they ask you questions, invoke your rights to shut the fuck up First thing to do if they arrest you is tell them you want to contact an Attorney or have one appointed to you.. I...