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  1. IlikePhish

    Thinking this is nutrient burn. Confirm?

    Thanks ShorelineOG! One last question: I was planning to do my last week without nutrients to help improve taste. Should I go with an extra week of flush to help get rid of built-up nutrients from over-feeding?
  2. IlikePhish

    Thinking this is nutrient burn. Confirm?

    Not used to your terminology so I'm not sure how to respond. These seeds came from the same bag of an unknown strain of cannabis.
  3. IlikePhish

    Thinking this is nutrient burn. Confirm?

    I appreciate the quick responses. As a follow up to a few of your questions: All plants are the same strain. The plant with the symptoms has been the weakest of the 4 from the beginning so that may be a factor. I flood for 15 minutes every 3 hours. The first flood is 30 minutes after lights...
  4. IlikePhish

    Thinking this is nutrient burn. Confirm?

    Here are the specs of my set-up. 2x 300w Galaxy Hydro LED Panels 4 plants (unknown strain) in a 32x32x62 tent Hydroponics (Ebb & Flow with hydroton) General Hydroponics FloraMicro, FloraBloom, FloraGro, and KoolBloom nutrients HydroGuard CaliMagic I just started week 10 on this chart...
  5. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    Just took some sweet pics that I thought I'd share with you. Needless to say, things are going well :-). So far this seems to be a raging success and I couldn't be happier about it. I'm starting to feel like it's OK to get my hopes up. Can't wait to harvest! :bigjoint:
  6. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

  7. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    Happy New Year! Here are some up to date pics. I was having some trouble keeping humidity down so I bought a couple more mini fans to put in my tent. I discovered these fans fit perfectly in the duct vent on the roof of the tent! That should help with airflow. I am already running a...
  8. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    First of all, please accept my apologies as it has been a good deal of time since my last post. I hope you all can appreciate the progress my plants have made. I, for one, am ecstatic! The pictures I have posted below are in chronological order so I’ll keep to that order here. The first two...
  9. IlikePhish

    1 week into flowering!

    1 week into flowering!
  10. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    I just came back from being away for a few days and I am pretty satisfied with the growth that occurred while I was gone. I was worried sick about them but it doesn't seem like any of the issues got too much worse over the few days I was away. Before leaving I set the Ph to 5.5 and when I got...
  11. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    Take a look at this thread where I tried to have the spots and droopiness of the leaves identified. There are newer pictures included in this post. I purchased some CalMag and also some preventative HydroGaurd. It should arrive on Saturday...
  12. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    Day 14! It has been a few days so lets get right to the updates. The Good: I did a res change over the weekend and upped the nutes to the next level on the chart. The plants seem to be loving it as they have grown considerably over the last few days. I am seeing the 4th or 5th node growing...
  13. IlikePhish

    Help diagnose my ladies!

    Thanks for the replies everyone. I am starting to feel more and more confidant that it is a cal mag deficiency. I have been doing some research and have seen a number of other growers that have had cal mag issues when using LEDs even when using a product that has everything included. I have...
  14. IlikePhish

    Help diagnose my ladies!

    Plants are about 2 weeks old. I started noticing some misshapen leaves on my little ladies. They have a bit of a wavy look. The tips are maybe a bit curly. I've included pictures of the most significant example. I have a potentially separate issue with a different plant. This issue is...
  15. IlikePhish

    Help diagnose my ladies!

    Moved thread to Marijuana Plant Problems.
  16. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    Day 7 and I think things are going well still. The tallest one is over 2 inches. I have some concerns so I am going to be extra vigilant over the next few days and hopefully everything stays good. If not, well then I think I can catch whatever it is early enough. My main concern is with the...
  17. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    OK, so I'm back for post number 2 with all good news! I started the flooding cycle 5 days ago and the girls are loving it. I'll give you guys the full update on what's happened since post number 1. Before I get into it let me just answer JohnDro and say that yes, I am planning to use a scrog. I...
  18. IlikePhish

    My 8hr flowering experiment

    Do you think your problems with having males (especially with the feminized seeds) is a result of going 8/16?
  19. IlikePhish

    First Hydro grow!

    Hi Everybody, I wanted to start this journal because so many journals have helped me to get started. Currently I am almost 2 weeks since germinating. So far so good, but I am hoping some of you can confirm that I am on the right path here. Plus, I just want to share! Here are the deets... Ebb...
  20. IlikePhish

    How do you adjust Ph?

    I am looking for an answer on this too. I have a 14 Gal. reservoir that I currently try to stir through a hole in the lid after adjusting the Ph. It still seems like the Ph is different when I measure it right after adding Ph+/Ph- versus about an hour later. So I guess I'm not sure how long I...