Thinking this is nutrient burn. Confirm?


Active Member
Here are the specs of my set-up.

2x 300w Galaxy Hydro LED Panels
4 plants (unknown strain) in a 32x32x62 tent
Hydroponics (Ebb & Flow with hydroton)
General Hydroponics FloraMicro, FloraBloom, FloraGro, and KoolBloom nutrients

I just started week 10 on this chart just did a res change but for the bast 7 days it's been:
FloraMicro (7.5ml per gallon), FloraBloom (15ml per gallon), KoolBloom (5ml per gallon), HydroGuard (2ml per gallon), CaliMagic (2ml per gallon)

The humidity is between 28% and 40%. Temperature is between 60 and 80 degrees. Ph is kept between 5.7 and 6. PPMs last week were between 1100 and 1250 depending on the time of day (or if) I was able to top off.

I hypothesize nutrient burn (specifically phosphorus) because I have been adding the KoolBloom and feel that a deficiency is improbable. Could be wrong though because this is my first time growing hydro!

Important note: I am only seeing this on 1 out of 4 plants...



Well-Known Member
Here are the specs of my set-up.

2x 300w Galaxy Hydro LED Panels
4 plants (unknown strain) in a 32x32x62 tent
Hydroponics (Ebb & Flow with hydroton)
General Hydroponics FloraMicro, FloraBloom, FloraGro, and KoolBloom nutrients

I just started week 10 on this chart just did a res change but for the bast 7 days it's been:
FloraMicro (7.5ml per gallon), FloraBloom (15ml per gallon), KoolBloom (5ml per gallon), HydroGuard (2ml per gallon), CaliMagic (2ml per gallon)

The humidity is between 28% and 40%. Temperature is between 60 and 80 degrees. Ph is kept between 5.7 and 6. PPMs last week were between 1100 and 1250 depending on the time of day (or if) I was able to top off.

I hypothesize nutrient burn (specifically phosphorus) because I have been adding the KoolBloom and feel that a deficiency is improbable. Could be wrong though because this is my first time growing hydro!

Important note: I am only seeing this on 1 out of 4 plants...
Are the other plants not experiencing this a different strain?


Active Member
Yeah, I once had a plant in peat&perlite that looked like this, with specks&rust, but just a bit worst than yours. One day I decided to measure TDS in the run-off water. Ppm was off the scale (3000+ppm :clap:).
You should get more opinions but my guess is nutrient burn.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Yeah, I once had a plant in peat&perlite that looked like this, with specks&rust, but just a bit worst than yours. One day I decided to measure TDS in the run-off water. Ppm was off the scale (3000+ppm :clap:).
You should get more opinions but my guess is nutrient burn.
Yes if u see rusty spots check ppm or ph lock out.
Usually it's combination of both.


Well-Known Member
This appears to be a bad case of over fert. You don't mention how often you're flooding, which is a critical part as it exposes your roots to either more or less fert, depending on how often. I've never flooded so research flood times. some people use 4 times a day for 15 minutes each time. I really don't know. I do know you're overferting. Are you using the koolbloom on top of the florabloom? if so you should probably stop. I think I'd just stick with the florabloom and micro. and go easy on the micro cuz doesn't it have nitrogen in it? you see how dark green your leaves are? that's too much nitrogen. on the koolbloom, just because you can add fert like that doesn't mean you should. Also, are you sure that following the Simple Recirculating schedule is the correct method for flooding? Kind of confusing.


Active Member
I appreciate the quick responses.

As a follow up to a few of your questions:

All plants are the same strain. The plant with the symptoms has been the weakest of the 4 from the beginning so that may be a factor.

I flood for 15 minutes every 3 hours. The first flood is 30 minutes after lights on. I do not flood with the lights off.

As I mentioned, I just did a res change. The new solution is much weaker. I measured it at 850 PPMs. No KoolBloom this time.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the quick responses.

As a follow up to a few of your questions:

All plants are the same strain. The plant with the symptoms has been the weakest of the 4 from the beginning so that may be a factor.

I flood for 15 minutes every 3 hours. The first flood is 30 minutes after lights on. I do not flood with the lights off.

As I mentioned, I just did a res change. The new solution is much weaker. I measured it at 850 PPMs. No KoolBloom this time.
When you say same strain do you mean the same cut, or same strain but different phenos?


Well-Known Member
Not used to your terminology so I'm not sure how to respond. These seeds came from the same bag of an unknown strain of cannabis.
Different seeds of the same strain have some variation called phenotype. Clones also called cuttings are identical to the mother plant. I think you have a phenotype that is more sensitive to the koolbloom than the other strains. I would avoid kool bloom. Some strains also require more cal mag than others. Hope this helps.


Active Member
Thanks ShorelineOG!

One last question:
I was planning to do my last week without nutrients to help improve taste. Should I go with an extra week of flush to help get rid of built-up nutrients from over-feeding?


Well-Known Member
Thanks ShorelineOG!

One last question:
I was planning to do my last week without nutrients to help improve taste. Should I go with an extra week of flush to help get rid of built-up nutrients from over-feeding?
I flush about a week. The point of flushing for me is to let the plant fade in color from a dark green to a lighter color. In hydro the plant will fade faster and more dramatically than if it is in rich soil. Hydro is the way to go, and you are off to a good start. One thing to remember is that even the best grower is limited by the genetics they grow. Learn to clone and find strains you like.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ShorelineOG!

One last question:
I was planning to do my last week without nutrients to help improve taste. Should I go with an extra week of flush to help get rid of built-up nutrients from over-feeding?
Any damage from overfeeding can't be undone. It did not look that bad to me. Even perfectly healthy plants will get fan leaves that will yellow and you should remove yellow and dead leaves.