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  1. edubble

    Oaksterdam clones-how to get

    Well, first off, the SR-71 has been closed for over a year, they did move and re-open as the Coffeeshop Blue Sky, but its not the same, 2nd trying to find a particular strain of anything at any club is a lost cause, 3rd, getting someone to get it for you won't be easy, or maybe it will. I don't...
  2. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    Yeah I actually did do that...well not the angle grinder...i just punched it out, it wasnt all that hefty, now both drawers are screwed together and open as one unit
  3. edubble

    Cfl flowering journal (pics!)

    I agree with the above, however do you have some PERRRTY plants mister, gl and good growing
  4. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    Good question, it depends on how stinky they get I'm in an interesting position right now, everyone who knows me knows I, anyway my room ALWAYS smells like weed, ALWAYS... I have also built Wolfman Zens DIY carbon filter...
  5. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    OK, So sometimes life gets in the way of doing the things that we want to do, anyway, I'm still here and here are some new pics like I said before, I burnt the sh*t outta my plants and i'm still trying to bring em back. I have flushed twice to get the nutes out, and for some reason i can't...
  6. edubble

    Nute Burn Help

    Thanks for the advice, I'm flushing as we speak
  7. edubble

    Nute Burn Help

    My plants were doing fine until I added some tiger bloom. I used the general feeding amount 3teaspoon per gallon, and I have nute burn now, should i wait for dry soil and flush or flush as soon as possible?
  8. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    Can I move this thread to the grow journals section?
  9. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    I thought that maybe it was the heat as well, I accidentally fixed the problem, the bar on the inside of the box hit one of the lights and broke it, so now i only have 5 lights, will see what the temps do and how the plants react before adding the 6th bulb back in. Should I wait for dry soil...
  10. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    I just looked at my babies and the leaves are all crisp and twisted at the tips, they weren't like this before the Tiger bloom, I used 3 teaspoons per gallon (general feeding), I think ive got nute burn (no discoloration yet), but what else could it be should i wait until the soil dries out and...
  11. edubble

    Nubie's first cfl stealth grow cab

    OK went to the hydro store again today...and the dude was not there again, found another one a couple of blocks away and picked up some Tiger Bloom, will post new pics in a couple of days if the ladies take off
  12. edubble

    Bonzai Mother?

    Thanks for the link, I'd +rep you if i knew how, lol
  13. edubble

    Bonzai Mother?

  14. edubble

    Bonzai Mother?

    I'm a newb grower and looking to do a semi perpetual grow, I am running a way small op, thinking about a PC case box and maybe a bonzai mother, but how do you do that? Excuse the newbness lol
  15. edubble

    What causes airy dry bud?

    Well you got me beat, but the experts here will def help you, keep the thread bumped
  16. edubble

    Dude i gotta DELL!

    looks like fun, been thinking about one of these for a mother, GL and keep the pics coming
  17. edubble


    from, what i've learned your plants will use up the nutes in ANY soil you use...think of it like feeding...not fertilizing, the plants need the nutes to grow
  18. edubble

    What causes airy dry bud?

    I'm a newb myself, but i think dry airy buds are caused by not enough light, what type of light are you using?
  19. edubble

    Anyone heard of odor reducing Bulbs?

    Thanks, for the congrats, this is our first and was 3 years in the making. I'm not sure about the wattage either or the light temp, wouldnt that be the shiznit though if I could grow with it (I'm a CFL grower with a very small box - 2 plants max) check my sig
  20. edubble

    My pot is pathetic.

    Sorry for your loss, sorry for the daughter as well that thing would give ME nightmares. Where do you live (general area, you don't have to be too specific)