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  1. imthezookeeper

    The UK Growers Thread!

    second plant only miracle grow soil.. and tap water .
  2. imthezookeeper

    outdoor kong feedback please [UK]

    what do u think its only second plant eva and its only had plain tap water !!
  3. imthezookeeper

    Please please give feedback on outdoor Kong ! seeds from Holy smoke

    my friends second ever plant grown[UK] in miracle grow soil and given only tap water..
  4. imthezookeeper

    Which Strain?

    my buddy done the Kong from Holy smoke seeds outside last year and again this year cause it flowers real quick essential for the uk ,both times i've been amazed !! check it out i took a few pics.
  5. imthezookeeper

    anyone ever get anything from the holy smoke seeds

    Yip brotha their shit rocks !! Kong is brutal ..Straw Diesl amazing !
  6. imthezookeeper

    Attitude added new seed company.....Holy Smoke Seeds

    Awesome .. as these are some very special genetics !!
  7. imthezookeeper

    Attention Atheist

    for some its easier to be ignorant than to actually try make sense of the foray however its not their time to understand they know not even the questions to be asked.. and this will only happen when they ready to understand so literally be thankfull that its your time u deserve everything that...
  8. imthezookeeper

    Regular Seeds vs. Fems

    Hello mate heres an oppinion garnerd from Holy Smoke Seeds: the regulars will give yu a larger expression of the genetic traits governed by the X &Y chromosones inherent .however for the femm's this range is much closer to the mother plant [X chromo only] ensuring the reultants being very...
  9. imthezookeeper

    Leaves Drying up normal??????

    Its a bit of overfeeding on the nutes at this stage plants are quite sensitive and leaching the last stored nutrients and energy/hence why a lot of folks just give water..this will allow the plant to keep working right up to the end ,leaves should change colour but not dry out.
  10. imthezookeeper

    How much from 6 3/4 ozs wet will i end up with?

    Twenty percent dry weight bru....
  11. imthezookeeper

    Potency and taste- final feed

    If u confused try one of the commercialy available "ripeners"they designed for the job are fairly cheap and wont wreck your precious crop! once u know how they perform then experiment on individual plants to see the difference..
  12. imthezookeeper

    GHS - BIG BANG grow journal

    the "Kong" is the best smoke i ever had !!that buzz was something special..cant wait