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  1. U

    Found a nice light I'm looking into buying, first time buyer for HPS I don't need much, but all I want to grow is 2-4 plants. Think this would be plenty? Plus on top of that, I can put this light over my plant that's currently in its flowering stage making...
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    Coming up on 4th week of 12/12

    Good it helps me make extra space for food ;)
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    Coming up on 4th week of 12/12

    Okay thanks for the tips guys. From here on I won't be counting from about a week. So then its prolly been flowering, I'd say 2.5 weeks or so. I'm happy its looking okay for working with what I had. Kinda bummed that by the time this one is done ill be able to buy a 400 watt light system...
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    Coming up on 4th week of 12/12

    I was thinking of doing one more cycle of fert to last another ~4 weeks or so, then do just water after that to start flushing the plant, whatcha guys think?
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    2 weeks into flowering :)

    I started seeing white hairs about two weeks ago, thanks man. Ill get on the adding of some lights. Thanks all for your advice, I'm learning a ton guys :)
  6. U

    2 weeks into flowering :)

    Gotcha. That's good info, never a dull learning moment here man :) well that 2 weeks into 12/12, after a week I noticed these are getting those little buds on them. Thought that was considered the start of flowering.
  7. U

    2 weeks into flowering :)

    Eactly what I'm planning, I have an old desk lamp I'm use for that. The bulbs aren't rly ezpensive but with other bills just gotta make due paycheck after paycheck. Get a little more each time.
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    2 weeks into flowering :)

    Unfortunately it is, I didn't know it caused heat spots before, just haven't taken it down
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    2 weeks into flowering :)

    12/12 cycle
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    2 weeks into flowering :)

    Thanks man. Just four 42-watt CFL's. Used Fish Emulsion for the Vegging stage, using a 15-35-15 blooming fert I picked up from home depot and being careful to follow the instructions and just using water, I followed the rule for a rose, and within 3 days it started getting those little...
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    2 weeks into flowering :)

    Whatcha think?
  12. U

    Gunna start flowering today or tomorrow, picked up some 15-30-15 flowering dry fert

    I bought the Vigoro Bold Blooms for $4, figured I'd give this a try. For roses it says to use 1 1/2 tsp per rose, 1 Tbsp per 9 square feet. So I know that higher numbers typically have a bigger rate of burning if incorrectly used at a good level, so you think I should ease in with 3/4...
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    Let my soil dry out, gnat's aren't there anymore, plants drooping

    Noticed the leaves 'bouncing' a bit, looks like this is a good thing :)
  14. U

    Let my soil dry out, gnat's aren't there anymore, plants drooping

    Water it a bit with hydrogen peroxide to kill off any larvae in there. Managed to not see any gnats, but the plant is awfully droopy. I heard its normal when it drys out to droop, but I just wanna know if it'll pick back up soon.
  15. U

    Have a lil fungus gnat problem

    Thanks for the replies everyone. Heavily appreciated. Turns out this is almost an unavoidable task to prevent. Ill pick up some play sand, and place it after my next watering. Then I guess just dig the sand out before I water again after that. Ill use some hydrogen peroxide in my mixes...
  16. U

    Have a lil fungus gnat problem

    It doesn't seem to be affecting the plant, but I've been using some 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to try to thwart them a bit when the soil drys out. Doesnt seem to do much, maybe killed the larva but the flyers are still around. Thinking of letting it dry and trying the soap water solution...
  17. U

    14 weeks and growing strong :)

    14 weeks and growing strong. I wrote the wrong thing XD. Its 14 inches and growing strong. Sorry guys lol
  18. U

    14 weeks and growing strong :) ^^^^^14 INCHES AND GROWING STRONG ^^^^^ I added two more cfls today, have to redo all the reflective stuff, any ideas for light allocation? Maybe a few more lights to light the underneath? Haha other than that it lookin good for using fish emulsion 5-1-1 ? I plan on...
  19. U

    Wondering how I am doing so far

    Alright ill give it a try. When I got the clone it had already had those spots. I watered it today with some fish emulsion so ill see in a few days what its doing and just put regular water in it. Edit: Just was wondering, when would I be able to start cloning this plant?
  20. U

    Wondering how I am doing so far

    So it's been about a week since I brought my clone home and planted it. Started it on fish emulsion a few days ago and it looks like in about 2.5 days it's starting to blow up. How's everything looking? I'm just doing about 1/2 tsp of the Fish Emulsion to a bottle of water and it seemed to...