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  1. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    You and I both! I kinda ended up doing an SOG without actually meaning to do so. Thinking this crop will be one of my better ones to date yet, but then again I could be wrong only time will tell.
  2. MJG420

    Pitt Bull Strain

    LMFAO! Good Shit man!
  3. MJG420

    Pitt Bull Strain

    I have grown the Pit Bull as well and love the strain! I am OMMP as well and recieved the strain from a guy in Salem. Check out my Journal, I have one in flower right now.
  4. MJG420

    2013 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition!!!!

    So I was looking back at some of the old threads I use to participate in back a few years ago before I got raided back in Iowa, and the one was the "2009 Monster Outdoor Grow Competition" which I loved but was unable to participate in for obvious leagal issues in the state of Iowa. LOL Anyway...
  5. MJG420

    Multi strain tent grow for 4/20

    Hell yeah man I'm along for the ride!
  6. MJG420

    Newbie to Growing

    You know all those tests you never studied for but managed to pass when you were in high school? Well this IS NOT one of those tests so as the two before me have said STUDY, STUDY, STUDY!!!!!!
  7. MJG420

    Ok well everything is dead now going to tr again.

    Sounds to me like you are overwatering your little babies! Don't feel bad though it is a general newb mistake and a simple one to cure just water them less. A good rule of thumb especially for seedlings it to let the top of the soil begin to dry out before you water. You have to remember that...
  8. MJG420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Indicas are definatly you cola dominant strains as they then to be shorter than their Sativa counterpart. However this does not mean this happens 100% of the time, it all depends on genetics really. The only true way of knowing is trial and error by yourself and finding strains that fit your...
  9. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Been slacking a bit here lately and been almost a week since I have updated you guys with pics of the girls so here they are! Actually took the time to get some individual shots as well, you can't tell very well in the pics but the PB has indeed began to turn purple once again! This is...
  10. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Yes i agree, been something I have needed to fix but don't have the money to do so.
  11. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Yes no need for more than that with only 4 plants.
  12. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    It's not just the PB that has been taking forever to root, all 4 strains have been that way. I have managed to get roots on at least one of each strain with the exception of the Jack Widow, maybe the uncloneable strain? I have also been thinking about making my own feminized seeds on my next...
  13. MJG420

    400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal

    Don't feel bad bro, my last harvest(4 plants) totaled just under 4Oz. I was less than thrilled but then again conditions were not ideal, but still I thought that was pretty damn lame under 1,000w. Have produced far better crops under a 400w light in the past. Doesn't help that i had to take...
  14. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Nothing much has changed just like to update every 2-3 days. Have found that it is fun to look back on these grows later on down the road so I figure why not have as many pics as possible. :lol: I started some of the Northern Sensi Skunk over the weekend and put them into rapid rooters this...
  15. MJG420

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Got some beans from my roomie last night, going to pop a couple and try my hand at ML. The strain is Super Sensi Skunk never herd of it so I am guessing it is one of his growers homemade strains. :)
  16. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    After some careful thought I decided to do some trimming on the girls last night. :) As they were the bottom 1/3-1/2 was getting absolotely NO light so I cut all but the top 4-5 branches on each plant and tonight or tomorrow I am going to tie the branches down to get a bit more light to what...
  17. MJG420

    400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal

    Well I quit growing for awhile due to legal issues in Iowa. I just recently moved back to Oregon in May and am now a legal grower so no more legal issues. LOL Going to get back into growing with coco in the near future, I just started back up with soil because it is simple and I wanted to get...
  18. MJG420

    400w hps 3 strains. soil. 1st journal

    I grew in plain coco a few years back and LOVED it! Takes a little getting use to but you can get some great results.
  19. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Thanks! Can't wait to finally get to try the CK and JW, have had them in veg from seed for 3-4 month because I wanted clones but was unable to do so at the until recently. Funny thing is I haven't been having much luck getting them to root, although I do believe that a few out of this last...
  20. MJG420

    4 Strain monster grow!

    Here are the pics I promised! Can definatly see that they have grown about 6-8 inches over the past week, other than that no real big signs of flowering yet. ] The one on the right is the PB the others i am unsure of only reason I noticed the PB is because it seems that compared to the other 3...