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  1. massacur

    Can any of you Fella's take a quick peek at this and help a borther out.

    Im guessing I should do a deep flush huh?
  2. massacur

    Can any of you Fella's take a quick peek at this and help a borther out.

    PICS Whats up guys I am about 4weeks into flower. I hit it with coco a and b and some good flowering juice. I dont think its over nute, I think it may be heat stress? I have a 250W HPS, a pretty powerful outtake, and a little fan in the tent for circulation. I am thinking its heat because im...
  3. massacur

    brown spots during flowering pics included please help

    Alright thanks for the help guys! I appreciate it. Hope you have happy holidays
  4. massacur

    brown spots during flowering pics included please help

    Hey all, i had this problem before and it really didnt affect the plant to much but im about 3weeks to from harvesting and i have no idea what this is. It happens about 30 days into flowering. It starts from the top and works itself into the middle . Anyone have an idea how to treat this...
  5. massacur


    yea its def not mites. I know the leaves die off at the end, but the way it did it was weird. It looks as if they were turing more spotty brown then the yellow kicked in. Im pisssed because i got my own cross in there and the leaves were turining a nice dark purple then bam! this BS happens...
  6. massacur


    I forgot to mention earlier that the dis coloring happened near the middle then gradually moved to the top. I know nute burn can be seen from the botttom first usually. And i dont think its heat, i got a nice 80 70 degree balance. I have other ones in the box also and they are reacting the same...
  7. massacur


    My plants are about to be done but my leaves have turned a crazy yellow. I think its Mn. What do you guys think?
  8. massacur

    Cloning Machine Water Change?

    Hey whats going on everybody? I am in the process of crossing a "The Black" male with a "trainwreck" and "Lavendar" female. Great results so far. But my question is. I just recently made a cloning machine to help my babies root. Do I need to change the water out of the machine and keep...
  9. massacur


    i didnt add any nutes at all.... I am seriously stummped... it seems if the problem is gettin worse.... I changed the soil, and im gonna see what happens... I was thinking it could be nute lockout too, but i used this soil for a few outdoor grows, and never had a problem
  10. massacur


    its about 75-80.. i have 2 fans in there to keep the air circulated also
  11. massacur


    the soil im using i have used many of times for outdoors grows, and i have had noting but success with it, it could be the seeds.
  12. massacur

    something wrong.... PICS!

    yea man that looks like nute burn, I had the same problem with last grow... I just flushed it with distilled water... 3x the size of ur growin pot amount
  13. massacur


    i know man... they were fine, then they started to turn purple and now there slowly progressing to brown, i've been asking around, and no one know what it is
  14. massacur


    i have 2 plants. But there both the same way, so i think it could be a soil problem. Im not really sure though
  15. massacur


    Whats going on everyone? I posted on here a while back about my baby plants turing a dark purple/brown color... Many people responded and thought it was over watering (which i thought was the problem also), but the problem contious to worsen... here is a pic. If anyone knows what the hell this...
  16. massacur

    I think My Babies are Dying

    Thanbks for all ur help guys..... I am gonna wait it out, and just hope for the best, if not ill just try again hahaha
  17. massacur

    I think My Babies are Dying

    im using growers gold organic potting soil... no nutes yet... i used this soil a few times for outdoor grows (this is my first indoor). its possible i may have over watered them, i thought the same thing and let the soil dry pretty much completly then i watered today, so im hoping the problem...
  18. massacur

    I think My Babies are Dying

    Whats going on everyone? I have 2 ice baby plants. There about a week and half old..... My one plants bottom leaves started to turn yellow then the upper leaves started to turn a little brown... This plant is pretty much dead so i took it out the box... I noticed today on a diff plant that...
  19. massacur

    5 day old plant problem

    I tried to upload some pics, but the site isnt letting me
  20. massacur

    5 day old plant problem

    Whats going on everyone? Hope all is well. I got a young plant, 5 days old to be exact, and my others are fine, but this one has some disolorantion and its wilting pretty bad. Theres brown sploches on the one small fan leave