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  1. W

    Wrinkled Leaves

    Could be natural.. see if happen with a little to much Nitrogen... how "dark green" are those new leaves?? and sign of a slight burn on the tips.. if not, prob just a natural....
  2. W

    New leaves thin & curled will this effect yield

    Yeah unless something goes wrong again. The old leaves will fall off and new growth will replace it... the plant will still have stored some of what it needs for flowering, so you could argue that you don't NEED to veg it back up in essence.. Once it goes into flower it''ll grow that back quick...
  3. W

    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    Mostly yes, always no.. of course naturally some seeds don't germinate.. end off.. some breeders store them badly... if they get moist and then dry again.. they won't germ... most of the time..its us and our stoner madness.... (hold that joint while I rub nicotine on my seeds babe... ;))
  4. W

    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    Im beginning to feel that... Ive gone through a phase of buying fem seeds... and let's have it right, what in my opinion are the better breeders (spice of life, BC Bud..etc), don't really do feminised seeds... its been a space thing for me with the vegging... made more sense to go with fem seeds...
  5. W

    Lowryder #2s one short and fat one tall and skinny

    Unstable hybrids, not uncommon. The taller one will take longer to finish, looks much more Sativa dominant... look on the bright side, you have the best of both worlds now ;)
  6. W

    New leaves thin & curled will this effect yield

    If you didn't kill it, your just have lost that 2 weeks of veg growth, as long as its resolved, it'll just pick back up again... The veg stage is pretty forgiving, its when you flower them and get it wrong your mess yields up...
  7. W

    Plant Magic Granules.. Anyone used them?

    Everyone seems to be raving about these Plant Magic Granules right now, at least round my parts. I bit the bullet and brought some. To early to see the results.. if any... anyone else use these??
  8. W

    Does anyone know if Pukka Seeds same as Doggies Nuts? and still in business?

    Pukka is also a brand of pie... I didn't like those either
  9. W

    Tangerine Dream not worth the risk

    I have no issues with Tangerine Dream myself so far. I have a couple in flower. Big plants. 8 weeks veg meant that they ended up about 5 foot. I can't see them finishing at the 70 day mark like claimed. Mine are due to finish in 3 weeks and there is no way they will be ready. My moneys more on a...
  10. W

    Barney's Farm LSD Feminized

    Ive got an LSD on the go at the moment. Really lanky sativa phenotype. I knew right away that she wasn't going to finish in the claimed 70 days Barney's States, but were 81 days into 12/12 now and shes only justtttt showing signs of amber... Smells lush, almost pine like.. hope she smokes as...
  11. W

    GreenOps II - ScrOG Amnesia Lemon & Tangerine Dream

    I finished some Amnesia Lemon recently. Lovely strain. Plants grew quite sativa dominant. But I expected that. These plants seem to love nitrogen, it was a constant battle in the first weeks to beat a Nitrogen deficiency, but yields were still modest. I flowered for 73 days, although they could...
  12. W

    Tiny gold spots, curling of leaves... HELP (good pics attached)

    Hey all, OK, so I appear to have a bit of a problem, a number of my plants have been showing some problems over the last couple of weeks. The common symptom is what looks like burning on the tips of new growth, also a lot of curling of tips, First had problems 3 weeks ago in what i...
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    Sick P\lants

    They are looking much better after a repot and a weak dose of fert :)
  14. W

    Sick P\lants

    Repotted, re fed, almost a week on, all is now well, thanks people!
  15. W

    Sick P\lants

    The plants are an inch or two below the bulb, I have repotted them, the roots were really bunched together, im wondering if maybe they just havnt been able to absorb the fert anyway, it def looks like a nitorgen def, as the older leaves start first, go yellow working inwards... anyway, repotted...
  16. W

    Sick P\lants

    Yeah agreed, I just repotted and the roots didnt look to healthy, guess ill give it a week see where we are at :)
  17. W

    Sick P\lants

    Greetings all, i've finally gone back to growing my own weed after a 10 year break from it. But I seem to have hit a few probs I wonder if anyone could try and help me diagnose... OK, growing in soil (biobuzz lightmix), plants are 3 weeks old, under 150watt envirolite. Originally fed on a...