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  1. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    In a bit of a rush, so I'll fully reply later on lol. But I tried out a small nugget from the top of one of the skimpy secondary growths last night. Went straight to my head and stomach, visuals and music appreciation paired with instant munchies. The flavor tasted of blueberries and the ash...
  2. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Yes ma'am, that's the indica. I like a good mix between the two, for back and knee pain/anxiety but I also like to smoke a bowl before I head out and do yard work and such. Maybe I should let her ripen a little bit longer and leave my sativa to take care of the head part lol. I actually did...
  3. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Quick update. I'm somewhere around the beginning or end of week 8 of flowering, definitely going to need some advice on when to harvest. I'd say somewhere around 70% of the pistils are orange and the buds have swollen drastically the past few days, so I know it's very close and have a general...
  4. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    I didn't do a thing different with em, they both just started getting brown veins followed by brown/red/yellowing creating brittle leaves. The indica seems to have fought through it, not showing any signs of it progressing. The sativa is looking the same way a bit, seems like it's pushing...
  5. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    More pics Girl 1 Sativa (Note the inexplicable problems with the leaves)
  6. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    I know right? Let us grow in peace lol. Anyways, I just got back from a much needed visit to the girly-friend, my OTHER girls were manned as best possible, got a little less light than normal last night but it'll do. I happened to just take pics of the indica, which will follow this reply...
  7. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Well I'm not all that worried about it, however it's just been getting worse and worse. I went ahead and flushed the indica because it's so close to harvest and also the soil in it is recycled (I kept the MG balls in mind). The sativa however just continues to get worse and worse. I've looked...
  8. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Having some trouble. Been noticing leaves becoming more and more rusted/burnt looking starting in the fan leaf veins and working outwards. At first I didn't think much of it but it's continued to get worse. The indica isn't affected by it too awfully much, a few bad leaves but it's so late in...
  9. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Thanks a lot. I plan to just feel it out on harvesting, if I feel like she's getting a bit too old I'll cut her. Both my girls are quite healthy, and I've been using MG soil, so I haven't been feeding them. I do have some MG that I've given small shots of before with good results, but I figure...
  10. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    !!PICS!! Enjoy. You can see the top of girl 1 is the slowest to mature. Girl 1 Full: Full: Girl 2, sativa hybrid Full:
  11. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Day 63/40 update THE END IS NIGH My first girl seems to be only about a week or so from harvest and she's been filling out nicely, exceeding my expectations. Nothing impressive, but I will be satisfied. Pistils are starting to turn in color and the smell and stickiness is a delight. The smell...
  12. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Day 54/31 update Again, not much to say. Mostly just marking the date and posting some pics. Bud growth has seemed to taken off suddenly. Fattening up and getting crystaly. Anyway, I'm too medicated at the moment to go much further. PICS. Girl 1 Girl 2 (possible sativa)
  13. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Day 50/27 photo update. Just a couple pics I just took. Enjoy in full size, please. :weed: EDIT: Quick note. My other girl is still growing very strange. The leaves seem to grow outwards as far as possible with real thick stems...
  14. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Thanks man. I'm not expecting much, but if I can get a system set up to keep a constant supply, then I'm set.
  15. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Day 47/24 update !!CRYSTALS!! !!VEGETABLES!! !!RAINBOWS!! Not much to mention today. Mostly just some nice pics to share. Tiny crystals are starting to form rapidly on my budding girl. The other is still doin it's thing. Seems like she's setting up to put forth a large yield, but this has yet...
  16. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Howdy, glad to hear your box is coming along. I'd say the temps are just a space vs. light problem. My box tends to build up quite a bit of heat after the bulbs have been on for so long. I really need to invest in a 2 dollar thermometer lol. I haven't really had any problems with heat really...
  17. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    It's great to know I've inspired someone! I'd kinda like to be able to replace my big fan with a few smaller PC fans, but there lies some issues there, so until then I'll stick with the slightly noisy modified 8" desk fan. But the stealth boxes are a great thing to have on hand, even if you do...
  18. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Well the second is only a couple days younger, and I haven't had any that have grown like it, nor have I seen anyone else grow that looks much like it. So I suppose we'll see what happens. I'm hoping that it's bud growth will explode sometime soon. Also considering giving it a small fert shot...
  19. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    Day 42/19 picture update. Got a chance to take a few good pics of the buds forming. PLEASE CLICK THE FULL SIZE LINKS, RIU's resizing won't show the full detail. Pic 1 and 2 are of the slightly more mature girl, who is doing very well at filling out with buds. Pic 3 is the other which I'm...
  20. ekofux

    CFL Stealth Box veges and herb

    No clue if it's autoflowering. I have no idea how auto seeds are produced, but I suppose it's a small possibility. The seeds I used this time were just a mixed bag from various different buds over time. It seems to be really filling out, though, lots of new pistils bursting out from everywhere...