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  1. overgrowem

    Okay, I'm a little desperate now.

    Get to be known at a local pub or two. Never new one that didn't have a bag man who was looking for U just like U are looking for him
  2. overgrowem

    Legalization of Marijuana in AZ 2016

    I'm on the other side of the country, can't do much other than fire off an E-mail to MPP, which I will do.Looks like a little publicity by tokers could go a long way towards getting changes, Ohio recently pulled it off.Start early doing SOMETHING. Once sig. gathering starts things may be locked...
  3. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    Your assumption is?
  4. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    I went to schools in Cali, South Carolina,Maryland, Alabama, and all over Fl.
  5. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    Your comprehension prob. has erupted again.What part of "the Revolution lead to the Articles of Confederation" do U not understand? Asking where U went to school is not questioning UR ed.,but the level of ed that state offers..It is possible to become well educated in Ala or Miss. after all..
  6. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    Went right over my head. As far as I could tell U were posting straight from Oral Roberts U.
  7. overgrowem

    Legalization of Marijuana in AZ 2016

    U beat me to it. Hope U will organize peeps to stake out signature gathering sites and dicourage voters from signing the MPP. petition. The money must not be allowed freeze out the home grower. MPP. has lost it's way
  8. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    Revolution gave us the Articles of Confederation: A "Confederation of Sovereign States". The Constitutional Convention gave us the form of gov. that has morphed into whatever it is we have now. Just curious, where did U go to school?
  9. overgrowem

    Missouri Race Tensions

  10. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

  11. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    Read to me like he was defending his position: GOD wrote it all.
  12. overgrowem

    Missouri Race Tensions

    U have been called out by someone whose credentials on this subject are beyond reproach. Where do u go from here?
  13. overgrowem

    Missouri Race Tensions

    Did U see the Randi Pawli talk at UK. on CSPAN. at 1:00 today? UR avatar was siting in the audience.
  14. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    Great answer, I'll put U on my list of scholars with Red and Doer.
  15. overgrowem

    Neoliberal Economics is DEAD

    I'm confused ? Exactly what part of the Bible was it that God wrote?
  16. overgrowem

    injunction/court case updates

    Not the belly laughs of last week, but plenty of clueless EXPERTS to keep the chuckles coming. How is the local press playing this, anyone know? If/When this goes against the Crown, will this prosecutor keep his job? Doesn't look like he's up to Traffic Court.
  17. overgrowem

    Senators will introduce a federal medical marijuana bill tomorrow

    I was wondering about a few things concerning the half assed bill. to fix the Fed.and MJ. How will the resched. affect guns? How will the resched affect the IRS.shakedown on not allowing standard tax deductions? How will it affect interstate transport? Shipping US mail or UPS.? Will it change...
  18. overgrowem

    Senators will introduce a federal medical marijuana bill tomorrow

    It's the ROLLITUP way...
  19. overgrowem

    Time to Wake Up

    I will to say U are correct about the double dip bottom being in 37. The event I was refering to was the Millionaires depression of 32, when the market, which had recovered somewhat, again crashed, wiping out many of the people who had survived the original crash with a few assets intact.
  20. overgrowem

    Afghan War declared over

    Allard vs. Queen ( Canada's trial for Medical home grow). Was not the laugh fest it has been, but the Crown's 2 expert witness' were clueless, as usual, and got their heads handed to them, as the rest have.