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  1. M

    help with hermie question

    Well they look like balls growing next to the pistils of the plant, i'm pretty positive they are hermies though unless that is just early growth before the it gets her hairs.
  2. M

    help with hermie question

    Alright just a quick question then we can let this thread die. So my two plants are 10 days into flowering on 12/12 and they're beginning to form their flower tops, white hairs and all on their tops. but however there is balls underneath on one plant, and on the other there is balls but with...
  3. M

    Question on feeding

    Well would it be too much to feed every watering or every other watering to get the most out of the yield and such,or would that begin to mess with the ph all together?
  4. M

    Question on feeding

    So i'm in my first grow and im coming close to flowering so i'll be using FF Big bloom. I've heard alot about feeding every other watering and feeding every watering and so on. so whats everyone's opinion on this?
  5. M

    Help with unexplainable droopyness

    Well im on a 24 hr cycle at the moment, i just transplanted them to new pots and the roots were spread all the way to the bottom and they looked abundant and white so i assume that healthy root growth, i'll give it a day..
  6. M

    Help with unexplainable droopyness

    So i have read alot of the guides explaining things about nutrient deficiencies and watering problems but i cant figure out whats wrong with this, ive been giving it enought water so the soil is moist 3 inches down(that or ill see water run-off) then i let the soil dry up almost completely...
  7. M

    Most effcient stress training

    So im starting my first grow, and i figure the differences are not TOO big but i was planning on LST'ing the plants. All the journals i read don't seem to use stress training with cfls. I'm growing with 4 42 watt cfl's at the moment so what would be best for maximum yield, lst, topping or leave...