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  1. D

    Autoflowering seeds in toronto

    anybody know a seedbank in Toronto Ontario where I can buy autoflowering seeds?
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    Quick question.. are nutrients required when planting an autoflowering seed in promix? is 400 hps too strong for 4 or 5 autoflowering plants? and lastly are autoflowering seeds typically "less work or easier" than non autoflowering plants? i ask because hopefully autoflowering plants will be...
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    grow room Q'S please refer to the last image on the website....
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    grow room Q'S

    thanks for the post ... can i just verify ... i read on high times grow guide that as long as temperature is around 75 with a slight breeze on the plants from an oscillating fan inside the grow room (remembering its gonna be a small grow 3-5 plants) you should be fine in terms of ventillation...
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    grow room Q'S

    i got a quick question. i live in an apartment and have a perfect storage closet that would be perfect for a 400 set up.. the only problem is the exhaust and intake aspect . there is noo way of having any of these as it would break tenant agreements (drilling holes into wall). is an...