grow room Q'S

mary jane

Active Member
hey first time poster long time admirer.
started a grow room about 8 feet by 4 with about 20 plants.
have a 600w bulb and have the room well insulated.
just wondering will there be sufficient heat coming from the HPS to maintain the temp or will i have to bring in an outside source. just worried since its coming into winter and all.

Widow Maker

Well-Known Member
If you dont have a light mover you are going to need another light for that area. Try to keep the temp above 65f. 75f would be better.


New Member
Man, 'O Man ... I'd be going with two 1000 watters in that space. Its like two 4x4 tables. Two 600's would do the trick too but not as tricky.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the 600 watt bulb. Would think it needs to be at least 1000 watter. But see what happens. Hope you have insulated it well enough that no additional heat is needed. You will have to wait and see there.

Good luck.

mary jane

Active Member
shite. thought that 600w would be sufficient. im gonna have it well insulated. im too worried about the electricity bills being a tad bit over the average. has anyone ever heard of people getting caught his way or is it just an urban legend. thanks for the input.
i got a quick question.

i live in an apartment and have a perfect storage closet that would be perfect for a 400 set up..

the only problem is the exhaust and intake aspect . there is noo way of having any of these as it would break tenant agreements (drilling holes into wall). is an oscillating fan in the grow room good enough?

the temperature throughout the apt is 75 F so with the oscillating fan in the grow room this should be good.


Active Member
i got a quick question.

i live in an apartment and have a perfect storage closet that would be perfect for a 400 set up..

the only problem is the exhaust and intake aspect . there is noo way of having any of these as it would break tenant agreements (drilling holes into wall). is an oscillating fan in the grow room good enough?

the temperature throughout the apt is 75 F so with the oscillating fan in the grow room this should be good.
you need to have proper circulation, if you can crack the door its your only shot...but in flower your need absolute darkness


Active Member
my friends 600hps gives off ALOT of heat, your problem might be keeping the heat down, have you turned it one for a few hours and put a thermometer in there? if not do it...


Well-Known Member
ya dude always make sure to give it a test run for a a couple of hours and see what you have to work with make sure u have at least a way for fresh air to come in and exchange with the air that sits in there a oscillating fan wont cut it if you dont have it at least pushing air out a decent amount or pulling it in a decent amout. Depends all on your set up and you temps, agree totally with solarguy
thanks for the post ... can i just verify ... i read on high times grow guide that as long as temperature is around 75 with a slight breeze on the plants from an oscillating fan inside the grow room (remembering its gonna be a small grow 3-5 plants) you should be fine in terms of ventillation.
sorry for the repetition.
this is what i plan on purchasing. light bulb,ballast, reflector, tall oscillating fan 3 speed, reflective film, promix , nutes ,silver duct tape, pots and seeds of course.
am i missing anything other than the intake/exhaust

please bare with me first time grower
and thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i got a quick question.

i live in an apartment and have a perfect storage closet that would be perfect for a 400 set up..

the only problem is the exhaust and intake aspect . there is noo way of having any of these as it would break tenant agreements (drilling holes into wall). is an oscillating fan in the grow room good enough?

the temperature throughout the apt is 75 F so with the oscillating fan in the grow room this should be good.
I would be more worried about the smell in an apartment building.


Active Member
I have a 600w system in a space a little bit smaller than that and it keeps the space between 73-85 degrees depending on when my ventilation is running. I dont know about a 600w bulb growing 20 plants unless your budding them small. I have a 600w system and it usually grows 10 plants around 4'-5' high with no problem. Your planing on growing that many make sure your space is covered in mylar so that you get as much light reflection back as you can. As far the power issue my 600w system, fans, cloner and all run my bill up $40-$50 give or take $10. Hope this helps

*Disclaimer* All statements made above are purely fictional and hypethicaly what I may do if I were in that situation


you dont have to drill any holes to mount an exhaust fan just make a stand from 2x4's to hold it in place and set it on the ground