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  1. brettsog

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    that is one sexy looking ak48. just got a fem ak48 seed last week. was debating whether to do that next or not. seems to be a big yeilder. did you grow that 12/12 from seed?
  2. brettsog

    when you transplant into a bigger pot, take out the entire rootball and place it in the bottom...

    when you transplant into a bigger pot, take out the entire rootball and place it in the bottom of the new pot then top it up with the new soil (#3). then water it in, bury some of the stem if need be (they can be a little stretchy). you will lose about 1" of soil after a couple weeks of...
  3. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    i have changed my mind again. gonna let this veg for at least another 2 weeks. the daily growth rate is just too much to pass up. i want it to be at least 1 1/2' before i flower it as i have 4' to play with. any way heres a pic or 2 to keep people sweet :) sorry for the crappy quality, still...
  4. brettsog

    AK48 Taking REAL Long to Finish

    let the plant tell you when its ready. its looks good, in fact it looks almost done. does seem like its decided to start flowering again as it was nearly ready. try reducing the light hours to 11/13. seen that help quite a few people to finish a plant off as it thinks its almost time to die.
  5. brettsog

    digital ballast RF is screwing up my cable and internet.

    im sure you can buy rf sleeves for the wires but not sure which wires you would need to cover. here, found this on ebay
  6. brettsog

    Growing With No Light?

    if you want good nutes, look around. i got canna terra vega/flores 1ltr bottles on ebay for £15 for the pair. (hydro shops sell them for about £12 each). when i bought my timer as well they sent me a free sample of a flowering booster. tomato food is good for vegging as its very well balanced...
  7. brettsog

    honestly. buy the john innes, its worth the £6. i know morrissons sell a lot of decent but cheap...

    honestly. buy the john innes, its worth the £6. i know morrissons sell a lot of decent but cheap ferts, they are powders you sprinkle onto the soil. what i do with soil is buy john innes #2 then once the look like they need ferts i switch to john innes #3 has more fresh nutes and should keep you...
  8. brettsog

    Growing With No Light?

    if your in the uk, go to wilkinsons and get john innes #2 compost, its really good for the plants and it feeds for at least 6 weeks. its really cheap in there as well. i used it my first grow with little problems. also they are stored inside the shop so you dont find bugs in them like fungus...
  9. brettsog

    BuddySkunk's Very First Grow! (5 weeks into flowering w/ recap!)

    have you got a circulation fan on the smaller plants? having a gentle breeze helps thicken the stems up. if not just support it until you get it flowering and the stalks will stiffen up naturally then to help the flowers stay safe.
  10. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    well after some umming and ahhhhhing i have decided to hook up the hps. will be going 12/12 from tomorrow. i have 9 nodes which from what ive read is a good point to start flowering. she is nice and squat so shouldnt get a huge lanky plant but we'll see in the stretch. :) wish me luck
  11. brettsog

    The 12-12 From Seed Thread

    put your seed in damp soil, then wait. that is how nature wittles the strong from the weak plants and im of the school people should try to do the same. if the seedling cant get out of its shell and push through the soil on its own how nature intended it, then its not gonna have very good...
  12. brettsog

    Growing With No Light?

    how much do you pay per kwh for electric. you could then work out how much its gonna cost. do volts x amps = watts x hours x price per kwh at the minute im using 2 x 65w cfls they are on for 16 hours a day plus i have 2 x 120mm pc fans attached to the wall sucking out the old air continuously...
  13. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    we have come to a mutual understanding that if she touches them again then things might happen to the cat....... glad to see you guys on board. and the car battery idea is pretty good. im gonna save that for another day.
  14. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome) heres my new thread peeps :)
  15. brettsog

    New Start, Perpetual DWC.... 1st in line white widow

    Ok people here is my new thread. im going to be doing a perpetual from seed dwc grow. one plant at a time until i feel more comfortable looking after more than one at a time. my setup consists of: 20l black bucket with lid and netpot. rockwool cubes and clay pebbles 1 submersible air pump...
  16. brettsog

    my auto ak cfl/led closet grow

    thanks man. didnt turn out the best but it got me pretty wasted :)
  17. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    ok well this is officially the end of this thread. plants turned out worse than my first run, really disappointed. back to the drawing board. ive decided to let the plant in the bubbler veg for a couple months to try and increase the yeild i have been getting. i will start a new thread once ive...
  18. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    to be honest im not sure. think it may have been sabotaged. the missus is getting proper ratty with me. she took a pair of wire cutters to the other plant this morning :(. its getting pretty tense lol. just got the white widow in the dwc bubbler. got it under 2x65w cfls atm on 18 hours a day...
  19. brettsog

    Grow Tent Question (GrowLab GL60)

    i have a similar scenario here, my space is only 50cm deep so id need to cut 10cm of each pole. maybe tack the back up a bit to stop it being baggy??? did u buy this tent, id like to know how it went
  20. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    just a quick update. the fuller of my 2 big bud autos died :( very sad day. i got up and all leaves were brown and shriveled. so i chopped it. got 11g dry and it tastes pretty good. the other one has filled right out and my dwc plant is coming along really well. its almost 2 weeks old and is a...