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  1. brettsog

    CFL Micro DWC PC Grow

    dude do not stick your bud in the microwave. it tastes horrible and smells like wet hay. ive just read this entire thread as ive just finished building a stealth pc for micro dwc. nice grow man. one suggestion for next time. better nutrients and a larger res. and maybe some slightly larger cfls...
  2. brettsog

    advice on nutes.

    tbh ive been using canna terra in my soil grow and cant fault it. but after looking into the advanced nutrients grow, micro and bloom i may well go with them nutes for my dwc as they seem to come highly recommended by most growers.
  3. brettsog

    advice on nutes.

    ok well thanks for the info :)
  4. brettsog

    advice on nutes.

    Would that be sufficient for a dwc bubbler as the bare minimum
  5. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    I'm gonna see how this micro setup works. Not sure on the Cfm rating tbh. If it goes well then I'm gonna switch to dwc permanently.
  6. brettsog

    First Grow (Journal, also help/advice/suggestions) CFL

    jesus christ, that is fantastic for your first grow. damn that bud looks awesome. you must have at least 10oz there.
  7. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    ok well ive decided that before i switch completely to dwc i wanted to have a practice run, so i have built a stealth pc case. (only been unemployed a week and im starting the DIY) i have included some pics. im gonna be using 1 x 125w cfl in this box. maybe smaller depending on the heat it gives...
  8. brettsog

    advice on nutes.

    i am talking about canna aqua for a dwc bubbler im setting up.
  9. brettsog

    advice on nutes.

    nobody got any opinions??
  10. brettsog

    advice on nutes.

    im not looking to do anything fancy. i have just built a stealth pc cab and im planning on doing a micro dwc (2ltr tupperware tub taped up with silver tape) alongside my soil grow. all i really want to know is will i get away with using just canna aqua veg/flores as a nute line. just lost my job...
  11. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    have a 187m3ph extractor running at about 2/3rds power. its 1.25m x 0.5m x 1.25m space. 2 x 4" passive intakes. only reason i was thinking hps is that i can have it further away and it wont be in the way of my oscilating fan. i think that is one of my issues as if i have it off for a couple...
  12. brettsog

    First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box

    ill be keeping an eye here as im also doing a scrog grow atm. plants are looking good. how old are they now?
  13. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    ok well after reading this i have emailed the seller. that have assured me that the ballast comes with RF protection and will not interfere with any electronics. they are a local company. i am going down personally to collect it. (only 15 minute drive) and worst case scenario if it is crap ive...
  14. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    really. seems a good deal but a little too good. cheapest ive seen a 400w for was £80. that wasnt a digital ballast, do you genuinely think that?
  15. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    is it just me or does this seem too good to be true. its a 400w digital ballast, lamp and reflector for £55 ...
  16. brettsog

    Amaximus' Half-Assed CFL/LED First Grow™

    looking good bro. hopefully i can get a decent yeild this time around :)
  17. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    hopefully it wont take too long. its a bit weird tbh as its the first time ive been unemployed since i left school 12 years ago. might even take a few months for myself and recouperate. u can make a h2o2 solution to kill mildew. you use a foliar spray. ill find the article here...
  18. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    i got 2 x 200ml bottles of 3% h2o2 from the chemists. put one bottle into 800ml of water and split it between 2 plants. i then added another ltr of ph'd water to each pot to help it cover all of the root area. seems to have had a positive responce. its made the soil really spongy though...
  19. brettsog

    HELP! Brown/yellow spots on leaves! CFL grow, what's up?!?!

    that 3rd pic is defo a light burn. also if u wanna get rid of them stretchy stems, lst the plant fully sideways and bury the stem into the soil. keeps the plant shorter then.
  20. brettsog

    Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)

    update time :)...... yay. right well i have some good and some bad news. semms kinds silly but i was hoping for a boy. turns out its a female. so i have 2 x ww bagseed that are female and 2 x bud bud fem plants so i have 4 girls in there now :) bad news is no pollen or seeds. i might invest in...