Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
hopefully it wont take too long. its a bit weird tbh as its the first time ive been unemployed since i left school 12 years ago. might even take a few months for myself and recouperate. u can make a h2o2 solution to kill mildew. you use a foliar spray. ill find the article


hopefully that helps man.
I hear ya. I started working full time when I was like 16 and was employed the next 12 years before I lost my first job. I had less responsibilities at the time and money saved and welcomed the time off. If you got it like that, Enjoy it!

Thanks for the article. I found a similar one to that a few days ago but I'm hesitant to mist my ladies only a few weeks before harvest. I'm not 100% sure I even have a mold problem I just want to be prepared. I watched a Jorge Cervantes video on YouTube the other day regarding h2o2 baths. I might try that if I absolutely have to.


Well-Known Member
really. seems a good deal but a little too good. cheapest ive seen a 400w for was £80. that wasnt a digital ballast, do you genuinely think that?


Well-Known Member
really. seems a good deal but a little too good. cheapest ive seen a 400w for was £80. that wasnt a digital ballast, do you genuinely think that?
I go with quality over cheap any day of the week. You have to find a nice medium. Most of the ballasts on eBay that aren't from a reputable company are cheap for a reason. They may only last a few grows, they're manufactured out of cheap materials or my favorite, They don't have RF protection. Without RF protection your ballast may interfere with all sorts of electronic devices, even your neighbors. Once that happens people will come snooping.

If you think it's a good deal or you want to know more I suggest asking the seller some questions. I find these sellers either A> never reply or B> confirm the shittyness of their products.

Another ballast you'll see listed a lot are those "MTN Gearsmith" ballasts. They have NO rf protection and are 100% garbage.


Well-Known Member
ok well after reading this i have emailed the seller. that have assured me that the ballast comes with RF protection and will not interfere with any electronics. they are a local company. i am going down personally to collect it. (only 15 minute drive) and worst case scenario if it is crap ive only spent £55 which isnt a lot to lose in the grand scheme of things. tbh at this point in time im just concerned with my yeild and the amount of heat my cfls are giving off. i though i had it down but im battling with it. i have 4 2ltr bottles of water in the freezer as we speak. im gonna add 2 to my room each day to see if that helps keep it down. cos im having to keep the cfls low my oscilating fan is blowing on them and just moving hot air around. my extractor fan doesnt seem to have any affect at all. its on average 32c in there during the day. i have it on 24/7 at 65%ish power so there is constant new air coming in. i will be cutting another intake soon enough but i need to get some vent covers first of all as the missus wants me to keep it stealthy.


Well-Known Member
ok well after reading this i have emailed the seller. that have assured me that the ballast comes with RF protection and will not interfere with any electronics. they are a local company. i am going down personally to collect it. (only 15 minute drive) and worst case scenario if it is crap ive only spent £55 which isnt a lot to lose in the grand scheme of things. tbh at this point in time im just concerned with my yeild and the amount of heat my cfls are giving off. i though i had it down but im battling with it. i have 4 2ltr bottles of water in the freezer as we speak. im gonna add 2 to my room each day to see if that helps keep it down. cos im having to keep the cfls low my oscilating fan is blowing on them and just moving hot air around. my extractor fan doesnt seem to have any affect at all. its on average 32c in there during the day. i have it on 24/7 at 65%ish power so there is constant new air coming in. i will be cutting another intake soon enough but i need to get some vent covers first of all as the missus wants me to keep it stealthy.
Oh man, I didn't realize that they were that close to you and you could actually go down there and ask questions, look at things and even return the gear or complain in person should things not go the way you'd like them to. If that's the case have at it and good luck.

One thing though... If your having heat issues with CFL's things are not going to improve with a HPS/MH setup. If anything I'd hazard a guess that it's going to be hotter.

What kind of extraction fan do you have again? And how big is your grow area? I know its listed here but I'm super super lazy right now. heh.


Well-Known Member
have a 187m3ph extractor running at about 2/3rds power. its 1.25m x 0.5m x 1.25m space. 2 x 4" passive intakes. only reason i was thinking hps is that i can have it further away and it wont be in the way of my oscilating fan. i think that is one of my issues as if i have it off for a couple hours the temperature drops by like 5c. i need to do something before it gets too hot outside and im fighting an even harder battle. also i cant see one bulb being hotter than 8 cfls


Well-Known Member
ok well ive decided that before i switch completely to dwc i wanted to have a practice run, so i have built a stealth pc case. (only been unemployed a week and im starting the DIY) i have included some pics. im gonna be using 1 x 125w cfl in this box. maybe smaller depending on the heat it gives off. let me know what you think.


i have lined it with a mylar coated camping mat. i have one intake and one exhaust fan (they belonged to the pc) and a small passive intake along the bottom which i have pictured (#3). i have them wired up to 5v atm but i have just ordered 2 switch's (then i can power them individually) and a 9v charger for power as 12v makes them sound like a jet and 5v doesnt seem to have much pull. im planning on doing a 12/12 from seed dwc bubbler and im going to install a scrog screen just under the exhaust fan to help with an even canopy. also i know it doesnt look that big when you can see my hand on top of it but in my defense i do have quite large hands. :)


Well-Known Member
How many CFM for the fans? Looks like you're pretty set up for a practice run. You just gonna switch every thing over to the new setup or start a new one?


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna see how this micro setup works. Not sure on the Cfm rating tbh. If it goes well then I'm gonna switch to dwc permanently.


Well-Known Member
ok so i got bored whilst watering and took a pic of each of the flowering girls. both my big bud ladies have been pretty sick since the h2o2 rinse so im not gonna post pics as i might end up losing them. once they have recovered then ill post a pic or 2

heres one of each girl. see the difference a bigger pot makes

these are 2 weeks into flowering. decided not to switch back to veg in the end. thought id let em go and see how they turn out. also ive got a 250w hps being delivered friday so gonna chuck that in there and watch them flourish

also one more pic of my stealth cab with the wiring going in and a small scrog screen being fitted :)


Well-Known Member
ok so to try and combat the heat issues im having i am switching the light cycle over to night time. so instead of 6am-6pm they are having 24hours dark then they will be on today from 6pm-6am. it was quite hot here in essex yesterday and my grow cupboard went up to 35c again which is not good.


Well-Known Member
ok well just a quick photo update. i binned the scrog screen as it was getting annoying trying to get my hands under it. we are 3 weeks and 1 day since the switch to 12/12. both girls are coming along nicely. heres a pic of each


excuse the sand. i had a gnat issue. i used a 1:5 h2o2 water solution and it burned the tips of most of my leaves really badly so i did a bit of pruning the other day. im just sticking to LST. comments, opinions or suggestions welcome as always... enjoy


Well-Known Member
ok well, i have just paid for my 250w hps. its on its way :) gonna finish flowering my girls under that. also afetr talking to my partner she wants me to downsize the grow after this one so im gonna be using my pc cab from now on. i am having a borosilicate glass tube cut to size to fit the pc and im gonna mount the hps inside it. i know people are sceptical because of temp issue but i have thought it through. the tube is gonna be an exact fit for the interior of the case. i will have the light mounted on the very edge of the case so the hole is literally on the outside drawing air through. same with the fan on the other end of the tube drawing air out, it will be mounted externally. so any heat from the light will be trapped in the tube and pulled straight out. i have included a drawing.


let me know your thoughts on this idea


Well-Known Member
A bit skeptical about the heat not being a problem as well, but the idea seems sound enough. Guess we'll know when you have it set up. Is everything already built besides the HPS?


Well-Known Member
Yeah pretty much. Got a 65w cfl in there at the minute. I'm just waiting for my air pump and hydro nutes to arrive. Got a bubblegum seed in there germing in loose rock wool. I'll post a pic in a bit.


Well-Known Member
plants are looking good ww is def one of my fav strains i always gotta keep atleast one around i def think heat will be an issue in your new setup i did a pc grow a couple years back and heat was my main problem and that was wit cfls


Well-Known Member
well ive been running it all day with just extraction fan (i have an extra for intake) on and highest temp has been 22c. left the fan off for for 4 hours and it went up to 26c. this evening without the fan on its running at a cool 22c. techinically the hps isnt going to be in the pc. just the glass tube. on end of the tube will be out the front of the pc and the other end will be out the back with a fan on at all times pulling air cool air through the glass tube and across the bulb. none of the air inside the tube will be getting into the case at any point so im hoping it will go in my favour. and the glass on the tube itself will be 4.5mm thick, and its borosilicate glass so it should be able to withhold a lot of the heat coming from the hps. worst case scenario i can get a 150w or even 2 70w hps lights and work around them.


Well-Known Member
ok well as promised. my micro dwc stealth pc is setup. (barring the hps) heres a couple pics.

my nute line-up, air pump and stone.

my pc its all its glory

and my temp, light and fan have been on 24/7 and its sitting at 21 :) this case is in my kitchen at the moment on the side next to an open window. so i need to stick it in the room with the rest of the bits and see what temps i get then but its looking hopeful