Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
damn man. well i have just sprayed my vents white so they dont look out of place, just did a little digging and they are both out 2moro all day so im gonna get 2 80mm pc fans mounted on the walls, both do 25cfm so both running should give me 50 cfm exhaust which is loads. just a rough estimate as im using a 1.25m3 space should be roughly a complete air change every 40 seconds? thats about right. not exact though. well wish me luck. if she notices im fucked, she is already pissed, told her i would only grow 1 plant i have 5 in there now lol :)


Well-Known Member
Haha good luck. I have no idea about the complete air exchange stuff. My goal for buying my fans was the highest CFM I could find under 6 bucks, which was 61. I think I read somewhere that anything under a minute is what you want to aim for though. Gardening is like an addiction of it's own isn't it lol.


Well-Known Member
Tell me about it. I starting growing to save money but all the little bits start to add up as you try to perfect things. Probably spent £300 in total now on equipment and I'm just about to go shipping at the tude coz this months promo is awesome


Well-Known Member
Yea I kinda want to try some of those dinafem white widow autos. This month's is just as good as 4/20 if not better. I still have plenty of seeds left though >.< How much was that HID+ballast+fixture?


Well-Known Member
Dude nice! I've never used ebay before. Something about non-businesses selling stuff online scares me lol. I usually just stick to amazon and newegg.


Well-Known Member
i only got it that cheap in an auction and i had to pay £14 postage on top of that but it did come with a brand new venture 250w bulb as well so cant really grumble. i use it for electronics because the only real electronics shops we have in the uk are maplin which are wayyyyyyyy out of my budget price range. lol.


Well-Known Member
check out my shopping basket. what a line up

T H Seeds S.A.G.E
Pick 'n' Mix (Feminized) £7.99
Barneys Farm G13 Haze
Pick 'n' Mix (Feminized) £10.99
G13 Labs Blueberry Gum
Pick 'n' Mix (Feminized) £5.99
Dutch Passion Mazar
Pick 'n' Mix (Feminized) £10.99

G13 Labs Purple Haze £0.00
World of Seeds Medical Collection Afghan Kush x Skunk £0.00

T H Seeds Lambo £0.00
June Jubilee Promo (2 seeds)
Dinafem Seeds Cheese AUTO £0.00
June Jubilee Promo
Delicious Seeds Critical Jack Herer 0.00
June Jubilee Promo
Reserva Privada Kandy Kush £0.00
June Jubilee Promo
Cali Connection Blue Dream Haze £0.00
June Jubilee Promo
G13 Labs Pineapple Express £0.00
June Jubilee Promo

all feminised seeds so no need to waste time. im gonna start 12/12 from seed dwc on the next run. doing a test dwc run now to get to grips with it seems to be going well so far. im using a female auto ak seed. see if it comes out better in water than in soil.


Well-Known Member
aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ffs. i had a little bud i nicked off drying out. guess what i found. fucking seeds. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. upon closer inspection i found 2 male pollen sacks that had burst on the smaller of the 2 widows. did i say aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. thats really pissed me off. im not sure wether to chop them now and start again or just ride it out????? any suggestions people.


Well-Known Member
how much of the plant is starting to grow seeds? It's still possible to grow bud, people trying to breed seeds usually just put the pollen on some parts of the plant and leave the rest to continue bud production. If it's not that many bud sites turned seed sites just clip the pollen sacks and keep going. I'm guessing it hermied so you're going to continue to look for more pollen sacks developing. Just to be sure, you don't have a 100% male plant right?


Well-Known Member
i chopped em, i dont wanna risk seeding my entire crop. illl put a pic up in a bit show what i got from the 2 white widow plants. looks like its big bud soil and ak47 dwc from here on out. im gutted. ive probably got 1/2 oz between 2 plants. i feel like ive failed again. its bloody annoying. they were just starting to frost up nicely. they only had about 4-5 weeks left.


Well-Known Member
>.< If they were fem plants they just hermied and you could of plucked the nanners. They stop growing eventually. And bud production continues.


Well-Known Member
they were from bagseed so i have no idea what type of genetics they were, but the bud i got them from was awesome, and it was white widow, maybe it had hermie traits. who knows. im happy with whats done now as i have 2 big bud autos still which are just starting to show pistils and i didint wanna end up with them full of seeds. i was hoping to catch a pollen sack or 2 if i had a male but didnt expect a hermie. ill take it as a learning experience and when its dried im gonna smoke it anyway. :)

also my ak47 popped from the rockwool cube this morning so i turned the bubbles on and added the lucas formula nutes :)


Well-Known Member
Oh cool didn't know that were that close to being done. As long as you got somethin out of it it wasn't a complete failure lol.


Well-Known Member
well. i reckon 1/2 oz minimum. maybe a lil bit more. the buds are quite solid, u can really tell the difference the hps made. the buds i got from the ak47 were loose and fluffy. these are firm to the touch. im really rooting for a decent yeild off of the big bud. ive not fed them any nutes yet and they are still green and healthy. i should really chuck some pics of them up.

also im seriously tempted by the think different strain from dutch passion. i read through the whole dwc grow with 356 grams from one plant. fucking awesome. that fella must have been buzzing when he dried that lot.


Well-Known Member
yeah. me n the missus had a massive disagreement about her cat. ive just decorated the entire flat and he has started scratching the walls. so i threatened to get rid of him. we came to the conclusion that she keeps the cat and i keep the plants :) i love how things work out. i have donated the pc to a friend who is a bit hard up and needs something discreet as he has 3 small nosy kids. hopefully he can get a little something from it. ill takes some pics before lights come on at 6. got a proper dwc 5l bucket with a netpot lid. got another spare for when i have a bit more space. im using a hailea super silent air pump with a 2" golf ball type airstone. but i have just bought 2 hydor ario submersible air pumps as they are meant to be a lot quieter than the jet engine inside the hailea air pumps, lol. im thinking of sectioning the space im using for easier air extraction. rather than start cutting holes in walls. i have seen a garden cupboard that with fit inside my cupbaord which i can cut holes in without destroying my relationship when she notices i have cut holes in the wall of a flat we dont own.... whoops.


Well-Known Member
dont get me wrong. i like cats. usually they are nice placid animals. when they are trained from kittens the rules of the house (more the pecking order tbh). but i moved in here 2 years ago and he was the only male apart from her at the time 4 year old son. so he was in control. didnt like me moving in cos i didnt take his crap. he pissed on me when i was sleeping once. he used to attack my feet while i was asleep. i mean he got his claws right into the cuticles on my toenails and hung there. he is the biggest arsehole of a cat i have ever met. obviously when i see a tear in my lovely new wall i went ballistic and threatened to drown him in the toilet, her son heard and started crying then she got moody. it was all a bit much. but at least we both got something from it :D


Well-Known Member
Haha that's hilarious...The drowning him in the toilet not...any other the other stuff. Surprised the cat wasn't "mysteriously missing" after he pissed on you. I find that cats do have their own personalities like people say and 9/10 it's an asshole. But obviously I'm more of a dog person myself.