Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
that was my arguement. she was having none of it. im sure we had a digicam somewhere. ill try looking for that.


Well-Known Member
i have an N-def, im about 3 weeks into flowering. i thought it would be ok but i have realised ive got a few weeks lefts yet. should i give some N or let them ride it out. the def is showing on some new growth which is why i was worried.


Well-Known Member
If you've got an n deficiency and it's showing on new growth you must of waited awhile before doing anything >.< If you're 100% that it's a N def, then yes, give it some more N. You've got yellowing leaves and red/purple stems throughout the plant?


Well-Known Member
yeah. i figured the flowering nutes should have been enough N for flowering but guess not this particular plant is getting very fussy. ill add a half dose of my veg nutes to the mix next watering.


Well-Known Member
If it's yellowing on the new growth, it's probably not Nitrogen deficiency. Lack of N starts on the old growth from the tips, working its way in towards the stem. Off the top of my head, it could be Magenisum, Calcium or Potassium. Do you have a pic? Makes it much easier to tell. Do you have spots on any leaves?


Well-Known Member
Something along of the lines of she didn't want pics of weed on her camera. Which franky, doesn't make a whole lot of sense since he can just delete the pics after. I think the "discussions" he has with her are hilarious tho lol.

But yea Lady is right if it didn't start on old growth first and work it's way up it's probably not a N def. While we're on the subject; I'm still getting some yellowing on my bottom leaves(1-2 leaves on each plant). I've heard Uncle Ben say he lives right next to the water plant(or something like that) and he uses tap water without letting it sit. That being said I think I have maybe 1 stem that has just a little bit of red on it. Could it still be a N deficiency or something else? I would guess a 1-3-2 and the fish blend would take care of any deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
lmao oh yea, forgot about that. Shouldn't have messed with her pussy....the cat I mean ;)
Too funny ..You just reminded me of that wonderful British comedy " Are you being Serve" with i quote"Mrs Slocombe (Mollie Sugden) sported a different hair colour every week and
continually harped on about her "pussy" cat mind you,lol...You are too Funny.. peace love always.......I already know you are doiing well,no more reggo,yes meeson,Peace always...One...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Something along of the lines of she didn't want pics of weed on her camera. Which franky, doesn't make a whole lot of sense since he can just delete the pics after. I think the "discussions" he has with her are hilarious tho lol.

But yea Lady is right if it didn't start on old growth first and work it's way up it's probably not a N def. While we're on the subject; I'm still getting some yellowing on my bottom leaves(1-2 leaves on each plant). I've heard Uncle Ben say he lives right next to the water plant(or something like that) and he uses tap water without letting it sit. That being said I think I have maybe 1 stem that has just a little bit of red on it. Could it still be a N deficiency or something else? I would guess a 1-3-2 and the fish blend would take care of any deficiencies.
I use tap water without letting it sit too. I saw an interesting piece by Roseman about how you can dechlorinate water by pouring it back and forth between containers a few evaporates in the air. Just recently started using purified water though because don't want there to be a possibility of a little chlorine killing off some of the beneficial microbes in the teas I'm using.

Is the yellowing spreading, or has it been on the same leaves for a while? Any leaves affected by a N deficiency never recover, so it could just be residual effects from when it occurred before. Also, some reddening of the stems is common. It can be particular to your strain, or it can be telling you there's a slight deficiency of a number of things...don't panic :) Are you using the full of the fish blend? Try upping it a little and see how the plants take it. Maybe they are hungry girls :). As long as your leaves don't start to get too dark in green and you don't have burnt tips, they are loving it up.


Well-Known Member
it did start on the older growth. i just picked the dying leaves off. thought hey if i cant see it its not there. ive used my brute force to let make her let me use the camera today.

heres a pic of the auto big bud :) she has got quite a few tops now ive been using lst. infact the stems were so solid i took the pins out that were holding her down and she hasnt moved

this is meant to be double big bud but i cant see it being that big a yeilder

to be honest they started having leaves yellow and die about 6 weeks ago when i used h2o2 to treat fungus gnats in the soil. the day after the treatment leaves started wilting and falling off. this gradually slowed and and the new growth was coming through a lovely green. until they start going like this. i did have an mg problem last time round using soil. think my water is quite low on it.

here is a sick leaf:

and heres a pic of my baby in the bubbler. starting her second set of true leaves already :) it is only a few days old. its a reg seed so im hoping its a girl



Well-Known Member
That's her dslr? Kinda grainy lol. Buds are lookin pretty big, wish you taken some close ups. Yea, I think that looks like a mg def as well. N def is a bit different than that. Check out my pics that I just posted on my grow for what seems to be a N def.


Well-Known Member
no thats the camera on her phone. its her friend with the dslr. she wont be coming round for a while yet, so i wont get to use it :( ill go take a peek now at your N def. ill try some epsom salts with the next watering and see if there is any difference