Second Grow. WW bagseed & Big Bud Auto (everyone welcome)


Well-Known Member
just a small update, no pics unfortunately i broke my camera, (i shouldnt own an iphone lol) managed to get my temps at a steady medium. peak has been 30.8c and lowest 19.9. got a lovely steady 35% rh as well. big bud are both doing well, im using lst on both and they are starting to flower nicely. i went a bit mad and planted another ak47 auto into rockwool. it started sprouting and i helped remove the seed casing but the coytoledons havent gone green :$ bit confused. it has started on its first set of true leaves as well???? as soon as i can get my hands on a camera ill put some pics up.


Well-Known Member
I'd wait a week before you do anything else. You're sure you didn't take any part of the coyt's with you when u took off the shell right? It might be a bad seed.


Well-Known Member
it seems to be fine, i broke the taproot as well. i was too nosy. it seems to have recovered though so im hoping for the best.


Well-Known Member
ok well i scrapped the ak47. i got up today and it looked dead so i binned it and started again. got another WW bagseed into the bubbler. im running 12/12 lighting. its the only way i can keep the temps down enough to not kill the plants. seed put straight into pre soaked rockwool. hopefully ill see something of it 2moro cos the last few i germed popped within a day.


Well-Known Member
re-subbed brett! Somehow I was no longer subbed to your thread? Don't know how that happened. I must've fucked up.

A bit busy this morning, A little later I'll read through your thread and see where ya stand... Unless you want to post some cliff notes for me in the meantime. =D


Well-Known Member
well as a short summary one of my white widows hermied so i chopped em both (i know i wanted seeds but i wanted control). big buds have just started flowering nicely. got some serious lst going on. they are being wrapped around the pot. ive switched to hps and put the cfls away for the time being. i have one bubble bucket setup to see how it goes on 12/12. if its not that great im gonna buy a 250w mh bulb to veg with and go from there. ive had to cut a huge hole in my wall which my missus has discovered and flipped about and i nearly killed her cat lol :) think that just about sums it up


Well-Known Member
So how many plants now? I can't imagine why she'd flip over cutting a hole in your wall :P If your grow is pretty small as far as plants go why not build yourself a grow room? The stuff me and Lady J have has about 3 feet vertically, it's portable, kinda stealthy and you don't do any damage to your home. I'm moving in a few weeks and all I have to do is stack the bins, put all the grow stuff inside(it is storage bin after all) and I'm good to go.

Also if one hermied why'd you chop both? Had the other one developed any seeds? All the threads I'm seeing lately have people freaking out and chopping their 3 plants out of their 5 plant grow.


Well-Known Member
to be honest the hole i have cut will look inconspicuous if i take the fans off i have another vent cover so it will just look like a standard air vent. im planning on boxing half the cupboard off so its alone. problem with me building a box or cabinet is im in quite a small place and have 3 kids here. (my 2 live with their mum but stay at weekends). if there is a buzzing box in my bedroom they may start to ask questions. at least in the cupboard its all enclosed. i did think about it for a while. i have 3 plants now. 2 soil and 1 bubble bucket.


Well-Known Member
also i chopped em both because i have a circulating fan in there and the pollen sacks had burst. once the bud had dried i did find some seeds in it. very small ones. but they were in most of the buds from both plants. i got 0.5g of blender hash as well from the trim of the chopped down plants, was very nice :)


Well-Known Member
well as a short summary one of my white widows hermied so i chopped em both (i know i wanted seeds but i wanted control). big buds have just started flowering nicely. got some serious lst going on. they are being wrapped around the pot. ive switched to hps and put the cfls away for the time being. i have one bubble bucket setup to see how it goes on 12/12. if its not that great im gonna buy a 250w mh bulb to veg with and go from there. ive had to cut a huge hole in my wall which my missus has discovered and flipped about and i nearly killed her cat lol :) think that just about sums it up
Ahh, Bummer about the White Widow I know we were all excited for some potential WWxBB seeds.

Glad to hear you got your heat issues under control. When you said you were going to buy a hps before you got your original issues under control i thought you were nuts, Sometimes cutting a hole is the only thing you can do. I had to cut a nice 6" hole in my first cabinet. As soon as I did that heat was no longer an issue.

I look forward to the updates brett. Take it easy.


Well-Known Member
glad to see you back on board man, should have my camera fixed soon so ill get some pics up. i think my second bigbud plant finally woke yesterday as ive noticed masses of new growth today at lights on. was kinda concerned because i put it in a 11ltr pot and the other in a 6ltr and the 6ltr has been growing at a much faster rate. must have taken a bit longer for it to reach the bottom and spread out.


Well-Known Member
glad to see you back on board man, should have my camera fixed soon so ill get some pics up. i think my second bigbud plant finally woke yesterday as ive noticed masses of new growth today at lights on. was kinda concerned because i put it in a 11ltr pot and the other in a 6ltr and the 6ltr has been growing at a much faster rate. must have taken a bit longer for it to reach the bottom and spread out.
Getting a camera fixed? I didnt even know people did that anymore. I thought everyone just replaced them when they broke. heh. You must have a good camera. I need to get a new one myself. The last camera I bought was like 10 years ago and was 2x mega pixels. I've been using my phones camera. @ 10x megapixels it has been getting the job done though.


Well-Known Member
You guys need to stop messing around with the point and shoot cameras and get a DSLR :) It's not all about the megapixels btw :P


Well-Known Member
You guys need to stop messing around with the point and shoot cameras and get a DSLR :) It's not all about the megapixels btw :P
No, It isnt all about the mega pixels, I concur. I was just pointing out how old my last camera was.

Personally I'm not a camera man and don't care to get into them. As long as it takes good photos that is all that matters. And seeing as my droid incredible is my current camera you can see Im not looking for much in a camera.


Well-Known Member
i use my iphone, ive broken it twice since i got it in april. its a pretty decent camera to be fair. 8.1mp, my girls friend is an art student and she has a dslr camera. she doesnt bring ti with her very often. the only other camera i have in the house is the crappy 2mp camera on her blackberry, the picture quality is crap but i suppose i could take one or two to give you guys an idea of where i stand. ill do it now :)


Well-Known Member
i use my iphone, ive broken it twice since i got it in april. its a pretty decent camera to be fair. 8.1mp, my girls friend is an art student and she has a dslr camera. she doesnt bring ti with her very often. the only other camera i have in the house is the crappy 2mp camera on her blackberry, the picture quality is crap but i suppose i could take one or two to give you guys an idea of where i stand. ill do it now :)
Do it. Like 2 months ago I thought my old 2mp digicam was better than my smartphone camera and I took some photos.
I was like "Hmm, The file-size of the photos are only 75kb thats weird."
That's when I realized how old my camera was.


Well-Known Member
well she flat out refused to let me use her camera on her phone, said she dont want them stupid fucking plants on there lol. guess it will have to wait


Well-Known Member
well she flat out refused to let me use her camera on her phone, said she dont want them stupid fucking plants on there lol. guess it will have to wait
Well duh dude, it's not like you can delete the photos from the memory card are you post em...wait...