First time grower, experimenting with CFL and Sterilite Box


Well-Known Member

Tightened up the trellis netting in the box. I was going to procrastinate and wait until the plants got a little bigger, but of course I couldn't keep myself out of the box lol. The netting around the sticks is lower than the netting toward the edges, which is draped outside of the box and held in place with zip ties and velcro.

This is a better picture so you can see the leveling of the net.

What do you think? I am kind of nervous doing a SCRoG for my first grow, but from what I've seen, it's the best possible way for me to have a decent yield in a small area like this.


Well-Known Member
I think you will do fine! Everyone is all scared of doing things to their first grow... I say go for it! I wish I would have done scrog... But I'm glad I did LST, I think. Hope my yeild is good @ the end of it all...


Well-Known Member
I thought you did an awesome job on LST. Before I started growing I was reading your grow and decided I wanted to train my plants. That's how I found out about SCRoG lol. I'm sure you are going to have a great yield and some dank doja :).


Active Member
lmao :oops:...thanks!!
Those plants look real nice!! I saw in another thread that you were interested in trying the scrog thing (I am too), after seeing your pics and how you left space to get under it just basically got rid of my concerns because I also use a rubbermaid bin as you know lol, so yea - thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nice, I look forward to seeing what you come up with. Glad I could help you find a solution! Had to make something work, scrogging just looks so awesome :)


Well-Known Member
I think you will do fine! Everyone is all scared of doing things to their first grow... I say go for it! I wish I would have done scrog... But I'm glad I did LST, I think. Hope my yeild is good @ the end of it all...
You won't regret lst. Promise ;)


Well-Known Member
I've been wanting a massive scrog. I may do an outdoor one later this year, keep an eye out.


Well-Known Member
ill be keeping an eye here as im also doing a scrog grow atm. plants are looking good. how old are they now?


Well-Known Member
Well on a plant that's grown without training, you usually get one very large cola and all the buds beneath it get smaller and smaller as you go down the plant. This is because the top receives the most light, and then light is lost as you travel down the plant. If you have the plant lie down and grow horizontally, the light equally reaches all the bud sites and they grow nice and evenly large! Also, when the top (main auxin) of your plant is forced to grow flat, you create new budsites around the plant as it tries different means (creating new auxins) to reach up to the light. This makes training ideal for short spaces, don't have to worry about height being an issue.

Notice in the pic below that if this plant had been grown the "normal" way that it would be impossible to have this much bud on it!



Well-Known Member
There's been a few people hitting up my grow who are new like me, so I decided I would share some knowledge worth having whenever I happen upon it. I found this great write-up on watering in the journal section. Every grower has a problem with this at one time or another, quite often early on, so be sure to look at this if you want to know what you can do better for your ladies :peace:

Combating Dry Soil Pockets: Improve Your Plants Root System

**Oh and I Fimmed the Sour Kush last night...was getting taller than the skunk so hopefully will even things back out. I just got a sample in the mail from Neptune's Harvest: Organic Fish Hydrolysate Fertilizer. It says on the bottle to do an ounce a feeding every 2-3 weeks...I am going to put 1 teaspoon in with a light watering today and see what happens. I am aiming to never let my soil dry or slowly working my way into watering lightly daily or every other day. Would do nutes once a week, work up to twice a week...want to take it slow. Want to see if my girls are truly benefiting and not getting burned. Will post a pic tomorrow or the next day.


Well-Known Member
What are the dimenions on the box? i don't think you will be able to grow 1 and a half feet and then flower in that box withouth scrogging, and even then only two or three will fit in there. and then you will need more lighting. i grow my plants about a foot to a foot and a half in a closet before they go in my tent.