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  1. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    My biggest mistake was feeding them the recommended amount. The shit I bought is cheap. I don't wanna hate on any company on these forums but I can't even find a proper hydro feeding chart. Bottle says "4ml per litre EVERY week of plants life". I know for a fact if I fed a 60ml of this in veg it...
  2. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    thanks man, I'll do a full res clean and try to drop those nutes. I think I'll flush for the last week just to be safe. It worries me that it stopped smelling but I took some pictures to watch the growth. If it herms I just get lifetime seeds off my first grow how can I be mad at that ?
  3. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    Im planning to grab UC roots for my next grow, im not growing without it... I was using some drywall shit to seal a hole in the res that got moldy maybe its linked to that? I did notice there was a lot of root material floating around which might've been choking the plant, I switched my system...
  4. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    You probably are right about bacteria because I have another res exactly same feeding that's doing fine.. I have a new setup for next grow that I hope to adress pH drifting and res temp. I cleaned the res with H202 before I flushed and now I have it at 5.8 1.5 EC. Going to see if that feeds. If...
  5. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    explain like im 5 do i add more nutrients until it feeds??? I did a flush already
  6. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    I see the problem, don't know what to do though? I tried to flush and it still rising at 0.1, seems unnatural
  7. H

    EC rising, pH dropping. I know it's not feeding properly; what do I do?

    (DWC, Photoperiod) My plants look bad, most of the sugar leaf is yellow except for around the bud sites. 28 days into flower i STARTED to see the most problems, then I went away for 3 days and came back to a nightmare. Looks like it’s still holding up a week later at day 35 but it’s lost it’s...
  8. H


    I went with the 22-pint from Danby. Could've got an Insignia 30 pint for the same price but smaller usually means quieter. The product I bought advertises for 1500 square feet. Anything over that would be overkill. I'm only growing 4 plants in a 3x3. Should've stated that.
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    How big is your room and how quiet is it? I can save $100 on this
  10. H


    I grow in a room that's maybe 300 square feet. Looking for a QUIET 20-30 pint dehumidifier to put outside my tent. Any input? Thanks
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  12. H

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    I don't have RO water the guy at the store just handed me it. What should I be using with tap water? I said above I plan on using rain water, will that work? OK tomorrow I change res I won't add nute
  13. H

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    Using pH Perfect, they recommend 15ml but like I said above I'm only doing 5ml for now. I'm thinking it needs to be bumped up to 10ml. I'm using CalMag, they recommend 5-10ml for hydroponics, I'm using 2.5ml given the size of my plants. Might also up CalMag to 5mg. Any advice regarding to that...
  14. H

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    So it's okay if it looks a bit yellow? Should I up the nutes or keep rocking? Anything else I can do to help like up the humidity etc... ?
  15. H

    Nitrogen deficiency or nute burn?

    Excuse the repetitive nature of the question. I'm learning a lot along the way of my first grow. I asked around and some say nute burn, some say nitrogen deficiency. I started her off on 15ml (recommended on bottle) then I noticed discoloring and dropped down to 5ml. Roots are poking out the...
  16. H

    Beginner need help understanding some stuff

    I'm using pH down now. I was only using vinegar because my plants were drifting to 7.8 pH +. My ppm in the backyard hose is 240, I believe. There's nothing I can do except leave it a few days. I'm trying to collect rainwater in a 30 gallon tote. I'm currently using 9 gal between two buckets...
  17. H

    Beginner need help understanding some stuff

    The fan is pointing up to help support airflow to go to the filter, it's not very strong it just helps keep overall humidity and temp down, I'll try having it off for a few days.. It looks a lot better after just a week still a little yellow but not as bad, Going to up the nute dosage...
  18. H

    Beginner need help understanding some stuff

    I think I'm hoping for results a little too fast for my first time, some plants I see on forums are the same age and mine and have 2-3 more sets of leaves. I'm sure these will be slow but make it eventually
  19. H

    Beginner need help understanding some stuff

    My pH levels are not rising nearly as much now after 2 days. they rose about .1 today. I think the vinegar was causing algae buildup which was causing pH to rise. Maybe the chlorine did play a part idk
  20. H

    Beginner need help understanding some stuff

    Good news and good tips, cheers man. One day I'll be back here to post results.