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  1. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Morning, really need a quick answer here to put my mind at rest please... Nutrients, how often should I be using them with 11 day old seedlings? I've used them twice, a week apart. Using Formulex Nutrient Solution, check the link....
  2. The Groke

    Recommendations for dense tasty buds.

    Morning all! I have a quick Noob nutrient question I need some help with. I'm currently using Formulex Nutrients, check the link..... Not where I bought if from but it's the same stuff. Anyway, I've got 3 seedlings at 11 days old not and...
  3. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Evening all! I hope you're all doing well? I have a querie with regards to Nutrients, I'm currenty using Formulex Nutrient Solution, here's the link... I didn't get it from there but it's the same shiz. My question would be, I'm on day...
  4. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Cheers buddy! took your advice and watered them up and they seem to be thriving a bit more than usual. I'd read in some literature that overwatering was a problem so I held back a bit too much I guess. Thanks, PEACE!
  5. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Don, Just had a wee look at your grow journal, AWESOME work mate! loving it!
  6. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    On the surface it does look a bit dry but when I insert my finger it's still nice and moist underneath so I didn't want to over water them. Cheers Don! The Humidifier sits in the tent and puffs away to varying degrees, I've got another fan outside the tent with ducting running in through one...
  7. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    On the surface it does look a bit dry but when I insert my finger it's still nice and moist underneath so I didn't want to over water them.
  8. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Hola! So, it's time to put my pics where my mouth is or something like that? these are for the Yorkshireman if you're watching :-P Say hello to my beautiful babies! I love them! Although, since it's my first grow, I need some advice. I'm having trouble keeping the temperature down in my...
  9. The Groke

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Morning all from the not so sunny climbs of Scotland. The last time I bought any weed, about 6 months ago, it was well prepped, nice n dry, got bang on an ounce but it was £240!!! I almost wet myself! then I smoked a joint and forgot all about the price. Screw buying weed from now on. Got my...
  10. The Groke

    Welcome New Members!

    Evening all, first time user of the site. Long time user of Marijuana, first time grower. I'm now on day five of my first grow and like most first timers I have an abundance of questions so any help would be great. I'm growing 3 plants indoors inside a 100cm x 200cm x 100cm grow tent using a...