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  1. IAmTheSun

    would could be wrong with my plants

    Put a potato shaped like a spike in the soil if its fungus gnats they snack on that. then remove the potato and repeat. I would also let my soil dry out before the next watering. Your probably watering too much. There is lots of information about getting rid of these pests. Try a search. The...
  2. IAmTheSun

    Another Sweet Newbie Question

  3. IAmTheSun

    Raptor reflector too big

    No one uses two raptors over a 4x8?
  4. IAmTheSun


    How long has it been transplanted? I would wait at least a week after transplant to flush it. But to be honest I wouldn't worry too much about it. You can make a lot of mistakes during veg and usually recover from them. How often are you watering?
  5. IAmTheSun

    white widow problems

    What kind of ph meter do you have and is it calibrated?
  6. IAmTheSun

    Raptor reflector too big

    Changing my set up from a 3k soil grow to a 2k 4x8 flood and drain. Never seen the light footprint of a raptor and I am considering putting 2 of these over the 4x8 table. I'm worried I might lose some light intensity because of the large footprint but I might actually gain because it can be...
  7. IAmTheSun

    Alright,second attempt at an indoor grow

    Surgery... Nice! Let us know how it goes.
  8. IAmTheSun

    Alright,second attempt at an indoor grow

    I'm curious how this transplant goes. Do you have a game plan?
  9. IAmTheSun

    How long to veg

    How are you training the plant?
  10. IAmTheSun

    Low stress training.

    I just super cropped a 3ft plant that's 2 weeks into flower. Took about 3 days for it to recover and start growing toward the light. You will be fine these plants can take a beating
  11. IAmTheSun

    Can I give her the chop?

    Yea its so close id stick with the flush, this is about when I would start to flush. Its not like your going to gain much if anything (except for a bad taste and harsh smoke) by giving nutes. Its a damn good plant if you ask me. Now you'll know for next time how long this strain takes. It...
  12. IAmTheSun

    Can I give her the chop?

    Don't chop that sexy girl yet! How long have you been flushing for? Looks like you might have stopped feeding a little too early.
  13. IAmTheSun

    What do you guys think?

    Got another week or two Plant looks really good