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  1. groder97

    light question

    yes i have everthing and the running ont he 6hr of light instead of 12hr is like really short term light a day or 2. and two i have a daystar ac hood that i have hooked up but my current exhuat fan is going to be hooked up to it and my new 440cfm is my new exhaust. but reall will 2 day of 6hr...
  2. groder97

    light question

    well the problem is that with the 92 to 100 temp they are wilted at the end of 12hr and i also have to water them every day like drench the soil so it can retain the water and make it throught the next 12hr of light. but the short term of light is only for like 2 more days hopefully. bc as...
  3. groder97

    light question

    okey so my heat in my flowering tent is getting hot and i order a new bigger fan ( canfan 6" 440cfm) to replace my old 6"309cfm active air. but what iam woundering if i can cut my light time down to like 4-6hr ON instead of the 12/12. till my new fan comes in.
  4. groder97

    words on Synergy vertalizor

    the guy at the store told me about this stuff and iam just woundering if its work the $45 for the quart. and if it helps a lot. plz let me know
  5. groder97

    upgrading exhaust fan need help

    okey i need to upgrade my exhaust fan. i currently have a active air 309cfm fan and am needing to go bigger. so i saw the active air 400cfm fan and the canfan 6' ho ( highoutput) 440cfm. what iam asking is will that 40cfm diffent really going to show. i also have a Can33 on the end to the exhaust
  6. groder97

    exhuast into ac?

    the ac unit and inline fan run 24/7 and i just got are eletric bill and it came out to about $50 tottal but ya everything is going good. i just need to gat a new inline fan for my 1000w hps instead of the cheap one i have in it now
  7. groder97

    exhuast into ac?

    ok yes thats just how i have it it gose through the box and when it come out of the box i have the 6" hose zip tied to the front of the ac unit. and i have a window ac unit that is 5,000btu. bc my room that my tents are in is 10X9. my exhuast fan is 309cfm. but iam going to get a new one rated...
  8. groder97

    exhuast into ac?

    okey here are the pics and no air flow is like this Tent #1-----T-----Tent #2 | | ( ) inline fan | ( ) Carbon Filter | ( ) AC Unit |...
  9. groder97

    exhuast into ac?

    okey so i have a room with two tents in it. one 5x5x6 and a 4x4x6 conected with a T to my exhaust fan to carbon filter in witch is in a box that i made with a 6" outlet tube that gose right up to the ac intake. now is that ok or is it bad. in my opinion the room is vented well so my co2 for my...
  10. groder97

    New. Grow room help

    ur vent fan will have to run 24/7. bc if u have a a room thats 4x6 and if it has a 6ft thats 144cbft. and i have been told 3 is ideal for anything over 100cbft. so if u can try to get a 3inch hole if not run 2 2.5inch vent lines
  11. groder97

    Grow tent vent

    from experience dont be cheap and cut corners on ventalation for fans when using a tent. so since ur tent is 4ftX4ftX6ft i have one that size too. with a tent that size is 96 cub ft if ur having it as ur exhaust fan i would make it 200cfm or biger to make shur ur make a big enuff negitve...
  12. groder97

    Watts per house

    ya idk how its going to be bc i havent got it yet it comes in tommarrow. but heres is the link for the ac unit read up on it and tell me what u think. the fan says it rated at 312 CFM. it also says it has a Built-in ionizer. but the one think iam worried about will that screw up the co2 for the...
  13. groder97

    Help with inline booster fan

    idk idf there is but i saw an inline boster fan at home depeo and it was rated at 250cfm for like 27-30 buck. u could just wired it up to run when the ac unit turns on? like throught the same out let?
  14. groder97

    1000 Watt Light for 4x4x6.5 grow room?

    ya i have a tent thats 5x5x6 with 1000w hps in it and iam having heat issus. along with a 4x4x6 tent with a 400w metial and iam haveing little heat issus with it too but i have a ac tower fan on the way. that iam going to rig my intake hoses to it and run that as my intake fan bc its rated at...
  15. groder97

    Watts per house

    ya iam waiting my first electric bill. bc i have 1000w hps, 400w mati, 115w exhaust fan a 80w ac unit, 2 80w tower osilating fans. 120w window fan. thats 1875watts tottal and iam really woundering how much my bill is going to be. bc i dont want any red flags raizd were i live now
  16. groder97

    soil question real easy but i cant get it

    okey cool. ya i was just woundering bc i have 15 babys about to transplat them to the veg room.
  17. groder97

    soil question real easy but i cant get it

    Okey so when i first started my friend said that i never reuse soil. ....ok what iam asking is can u reuse or not reuse soil. bc i have 3 gal pots and iam only doing 2 months of veg and they are getting to about 3-4 feet tall. So i dont think the roots are streching out all the way down to get...
  18. groder97

    need help picking ac unit

    okey so today i have decieded that i need to get an ac unit for my room that i have two tents in i really cant put a window unit in bc my tents sorta block the air path way. so i need to get a portable one but i want a small tower ac. i saw one online for like 125 but i cant find it again. i...
  19. groder97

    need help asap plz

    okey i woke up to my two kids looking sad they just got water yestarday morning. i dont want to loss these kids bc they are one week away from start flowering. the tent is 82 at night and 92 during the day. plz i need help is it to much water or to little? to hot? and its only these two kids out...
  20. groder97

    venting for grow tents

    thank u so much i thought no one would answer my q bc iam a newbi and dont have a high posting score. but ya it needs to be steath. it will be in a aptment. cool thanks. now u talk about a Y adapter pulling (sucking) air from both tents would a 6" can fan with a rating of 309 cfm would that be...