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  1. M

    Compost Tea Recipe

    Ok i see what your saying and i to love ewc.its just that there is so much info out there its hard to decifer it all. This will be the first time growing in a soil mix i mixed tired of the bagged soil and bottled nute thing.not to metion the money i was
  2. M

    Compost Tea Recipe

    So you think it pertains more to say veggies or herbs?stuff you eat?the only thing is they were say you can end up brewing things that will decimate all the good bacteria.
  3. M

    Compost Tea Recipe

    Hey I'm new to this whole compost tea thing so trying to learn as much as I can. I'm part of another chat room and there are people saying a lot of bad things about compost teas. Such as you never really know what type of pathogens or bad things so to speak You're producing in your teas...
  4. M

    Lobster Compost

    Sorry just realized how old that post was.
  5. M

    Lobster Compost

    I believe its from a company called coast of maine.i would use as a soil conditioner.they have some really great products.little pricey.
  6. M

    Botanical tea recipes

    Just wondering if anyone has any good botanical teas for either veg or flower?