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  1. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    cool man thanks. i actually think they were dying because of underwatering. the time before this I overwatered them, but I think I found a happy medium now (ya, I'm a rook) haha. 2 bag seeds are going good now, about 3 in. tall and a healthy color. My auto big bang seed just started to show its...
  2. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    hey naturea, have u ever used jungle growth pure organic soil? Or heard of anyone else using it with good results? I looked online, but nobody has anything good or bad to say about it. right now im just using plain ass ace hardware soil (no nutes or anything) mixed with some mg perlite. maybe my...
  3. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    any suggestions on light cycle? I have just been leaving them on 24/7, but dont know if this is the best method
  4. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    should i put them under light as soon as i plant them? or keep them in darkness until they sprout
  5. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    germinating auto big bang right now
  6. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    haha thanks for all the help man, i hope i can get a good plant goin too. so step by step, how do you plant your seeds after germination? Im prbly just gonna plant it in a 3 gallon container right away
  7. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    ya i do that before i germinate them. i had most of them tap root up, but the ones that sprouted good were root down. I'll be planting them the other way from now on. is there a such thing as too much cfl lighting when there babies? are they that sensitive?
  8. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    thats a good idea, I'll do that from now on. But i think some of them were just weak seeds, thats why they died.
  9. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    for some reason 5 out of 6 seedlings have sprouted to the surface, but seem to be stuck there. only one sprout grew a couple inches tall and shedded its seed casing, but it also seems like it has stopped growing. i only water when the top of the dirt starts to get crusty, and i just mist them...
  10. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    the ak died unfortunately, but i got about six bag seeds to sprout. i was reading up on the flourescents that i have, and everyone was saying you can't veg with 2700k cfl, it has to be 6500k. wat do you think. and one of the sprouts is purple halfway up the stem, ever seen that before?
  11. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    before i plant my exodus cheese and auto big bang seeds im gonna practice on some middys bag seed. i germinated them, waited till i could just see the tails, and planted them in little peat decomposable containers (tail up) about a pencil eraser deep. dirt was organic garden soil mixed with...
  12. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    cool thanks for all the help man i appreciate it
  13. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    now that i look back, i think i might overwatered the seedlings before they sprouted the ground. but if that was the case, the plant should start to look better after a couple days, right?
  14. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    leaves are curling down, up and sideways. leaves are shrinking in size, and are now a yellow/brown color. soil has been dry for about a day now, should i try to water it? have a feeling that this one might be a lost cause
  15. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    the one survivor is barely alive. a couple days ago i transferred it to organic soil with no perlite, but it keeps dying. the cotelydyons (however you spell that) are curled up and yellow. the first little ridged leaves are doing the same thing. i havent watered it since i moved it either, what...
  16. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    thanks for the help. i'll let you know tomorow if the other plant makes it or not
  17. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    haha awesome grow man, wish mine would take off soon
  18. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    ya it sucks, i was actually sad for a while when the one died, haha. Ya im using tap water, but letting it sit for 48 hours first so all the chemicals evaporate out of it. how intense should the light be when growing seedlings? like i said before, i'm using two 4' fluorescents and 2 60 watt cfl...
  19. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    no i dont have any ph strips, but pretty sure that the mg just killed both my plants. woke up this morning and one was completely fried, and the other's leaves are starting to curl and look burnt. I'm using organic potting soil mixed with the mg pearlite, so I moved the one survivor to just...
  20. M

    Auto AK fluorescent grow

    one is growing ok and got its first true leaves, but the other isnt looking to good. do you think the seedlings could get nutrient burn from miracle grow pearlite? I had no idea it had fertalizer in it until today