Auto AK fluorescent grow

I recently bought 2 auto ak seeds from the single seed centre. took about a week and a half to get here, but overall good/quick service. I started germinating them in a couple damp paper towels yesterday, and one of them has already started to sprout. I'm going to be using organic garden soil mixed with perlite for my grow medium. So far i have two 4' fluorescent tubes/full spectrum, and 2 60 watt cfl bulbs ( they put out 2700 lumens a piece) so i think i should be ok for now. If anybody else has grown auto ak's before, any advice would be appreciated. I'll keep everyone posted on how the grow is going and will post pics later on.
germinated seeds seem to be having trouble breaking surface of dirt. i put them root down, 1/4 in. deep, and lightly covered them. anybody else had trouble with getting the auto ak's started? any suggestions on what to do?


Well-Known Member
1/4 inch is pretty deep! use a new pencil and push just the eraser into the dirt then drop them in and cover more like an 1/8 inch. never grown any ruderalis crosses before.
if i dont see any improvement over the next day or two, could i very carefully unbury the seeds and maybe try to repot them? ive grown bag seed before with no problem. Its a shame that these auto's might die, they werent exactly cheap


Well-Known Member
I would water the shit outta the soil and maybe find a way to heat the pot and soil to around 80 somehow. I've done this a few times and it worked great for me. But I'm not as experienced as most folks on here, but a suggestion. I've also scraped some soil off the top gently and its worked


Well-Known Member
Just for future refrence try going to lowes.home depot or whatever garden center is closest and get jiffy pellets, they look like little disks of dirt but mix em with warm water and they fluff out, they seem to work the best for me so far


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah that's awesome man. Idk if uve grown autos before but in my experience with them my first fuck up was feedin it veg nutes(what a newb). Did that on the first few and it had horribly results. Delayed flowering and some small ass bud. Even tho that's with all autos imo. Most I got was off a purple mazar and it was only 21 grams. But using flowering nutes all the way got me consistency at least. Good luck with the aks tho. Keep us posted
ya i dont have that much experiance with growing, but I wasn't gonna start giving them nutes until the third week prbly. anybody ever used those decomposable seed starter pots that u can buy anywhere, walmart, lowes, ace. Think the roots should have no problems growing through them?
one is growing ok and got its first true leaves, but the other isnt looking to good. do you think the seedlings could get nutrient burn from miracle grow pearlite? I had no idea it had fertalizer in it until today


Well-Known Member
It could man but mg is all I've used since I started and its never happened to me. Do u have a way of testin ur ph? that's what I'd do first
no i dont have any ph strips, but pretty sure that the mg just killed both my plants. woke up this morning and one was completely fried, and the other's leaves are starting to curl and look burnt. I'm using organic potting soil mixed with the mg pearlite, so I moved the one survivor to just potting soil with no pearlite. hope this will make a difference, will keep you posted


Well-Known Member
Yea let me kno how it goes. I haven't ever had miracle gro burn my seedlings but can't ever tell. damn I hate that u lost one tho. Are u using tap water to water?
ya it sucks, i was actually sad for a while when the one died, haha. Ya im using tap water, but letting it sit for 48 hours first so all the chemicals evaporate out of it. how intense should the light be when growing seedlings? like i said before, i'm using two 4' fluorescents and 2 60 watt cfl bulbs. they dont give off much heat, so i have them about 6 inches away. i have a small fan that keeps the temps down, and im pretty sure i didnt over water, but not positive. really wondering wat went wrong


Active Member
DSC03614.jpgDSC03616.jpgIf you check out my signature, I'm on my first grow and have some AK48 Autoflowers in it. You can see how they progressed and what I did. The poster above said something about not feeding them veg nutes? I guess i dont understand~ cause I hit them with a boost, grow, sugar, calcium, magnesium, thrive-alive red b1 :) I did straight h2o the first week, 1/4 nutrients 2nd week, 1/2 nutrients 3rd week and Today is day 28 I switched to full strength nutrient!

Day 28 from seed:


Well-Known Member
What I meant with veg nutes is I used one that was too high in nitrogen I guess and it made my flowers show up a lot later than when I used flowering nutes from 2nd or 3rd wk on like u did. Just my experience with autos. Mx I would move the lights as close as I could. I start mine with t5 fluorescents and I put it about 3 in away with a fan blowin on the bulbs to keep them cool. U could stay cautious and keep it at 6 if ud like, they'll still grow just maybe not as fast